Found 505 bookmarks
Favorite tweet by @BriannaWu
Favorite tweet by @BriannaWu
Favorite tweet: If you ever think engineers are inherently smart people, Scott Adams was surprised to find out in 2020 that Trump supports white supremacy. — Brianna Wu (@BriannaWu) October 1, 2020
Favorite tweet by @BriannaWu
Favorite tweet by @dansinker
Favorite tweet by @dansinker
Favorite tweet: the five-year-old learned about Western Snowy Plovers, which are born with full-sized legs. — 💀 damned sinker 💀 (@dansinker) October 1, 2020
Favorite tweet by @dansinker
Favorite tweet by @iamBrandonTV
Favorite tweet by @iamBrandonTV
Favorite tweet: Where I was 7 years ago. Don’t give up on your dreams. — iamBrandon 🏳️‍🌈 (@iamBrandonTV) October 1, 2020
Favorite tweet by @iamBrandonTV
Favorite tweet by @jaredsinclair
Favorite tweet by @jaredsinclair
Favorite tweet: Undecided voters are the dumbest motherfuckers on the planet, and our democracy hinges on appealing to them. Great system. — Jared Sinclair (@jaredsinclair) September 30, 2020
Favorite tweet by @jaredsinclair
Favorite tweet by @sarahcpr
Favorite tweet by @sarahcpr
Favorite tweet: I’m so honored that @SlackHQ asked me to speak about work and life in 2020 at #SlackFrontiers this year, and the fact that it’s virtual and it’s free! Register here: — Sarah Cooper (@sarahcpr) September 29, 2020
Favorite tweet by @sarahcpr
Favorite tweet by @TatianaTMac
Favorite tweet by @TatianaTMac
Favorite tweet: For the next deadline you encounter, I invite you to ask yourself: Who is dictating this deadline? At whose cost? For whose gain? — Tatiana Mac (@TatianaTMac) September 29, 2020
Favorite tweet by @TatianaTMac
Favorite tweet by @TatianaTMac
Favorite tweet by @TatianaTMac
Favorite tweet: I reminded my students of this today: Deadlines are made up—often by whomever is in power. Any *urgency* is usually around hoarding profits for the few at the top at the physical, mental, and emotional exploitation of the many at the bottom. 💁🏼‍♀️ — Tatiana Mac (@TatianaTMac) September 29, 2020
Favorite tweet by @TatianaTMac
Favorite tweet by @AshleyEsqueda
Favorite tweet by @AshleyEsqueda
Favorite tweet: If you would like a lovely timeline with less trash, these are the settings I have toggled — 🌈🦠 rainbow blight | #WearAMask 🌈🦠 (@AshleyEsqueda) September 29, 2020
Favorite tweet by @AshleyEsqueda
Favorite tweet by @Roboticadi
Favorite tweet by @Roboticadi
Favorite tweet: Do you know what? I fucking love Destiny 2. Send tweet. — Adi ♥ (@Roboticadi) September 26, 2020
Favorite tweet by @Roboticadi
Favorite tweet by @meowdews
Favorite tweet by @meowdews
Favorite tweet: notice how in the beggining of quarantine everybody was playing a cute game abt befriending animals and building a village .. and now, 6 months later, everyone is playing a game abt killing everyone in a spaceship featuring chaos and betrayal — ִֶָ (@meowdews) September 23, 2020
Favorite tweet by @meowdews
Favorite tweet by @novallkhan
Favorite tweet by @novallkhan
Favorite tweet: Replace whiteboard interviews with ethical questions — Nov3 #ElectionDay #BlackLivesMatter #Ally (@novallkhan) September 24, 2020
Favorite tweet by @novallkhan
Favorite tweet by @MrGeorgeWallace
Favorite tweet by @MrGeorgeWallace
Favorite tweet: Yo' momma's so stupid she installed a dictator thinkin' she was drainin' some damn swamp. — George Wallace (@MrGeorgeWallace) September 24, 2020
Favorite tweet by @MrGeorgeWallace
Favorite tweet by @Kevinliptakcnn
Favorite tweet by @Kevinliptakcnn
Favorite tweet: Trump at the court as crowd chants “vote him out” — it’s rare for this President to see his opposition this up-close and in-person — Kevin Liptak (@Kevinliptakcnn) September 24, 2020
Favorite tweet by @Kevinliptakcnn
Favorite tweet by @ShinyCaseyD
Favorite tweet by @ShinyCaseyD
Favorite tweet: Thanks everyone who stopped by tonight! I made Twitch Affiliate today 🥳 First stream as an affiliate will be Thursday @ 8pm PT :) — Casey DeFreitas (@ShinyCaseyD) September 24, 2020
Favorite tweet by @ShinyCaseyD
Favorite tweet by @peterrojas
Favorite tweet by @peterrojas
Favorite tweet: Not clear to me why Biden should debate someone who isn’t willing to accept the results of an election or guarantee a peaceful transfer of power. — Peter Rojas (@peterrojas) September 23, 2020
Favorite tweet by @peterrojas
Favorite tweet by @diemkay
Favorite tweet by @diemkay
Favorite tweet: Just accepted my first job as a software developer today, with one week before my official start. 🎉 I’m quite excited but also nervous. If you have any wisdom around what to do or think about in the first few days, weeks and months I’d be very grateful to hear it! — Andreea (@diemkay) September 23, 2020
Favorite tweet by @diemkay
Favorite tweet by @ampersandwich
Favorite tweet by @ampersandwich
Favorite tweet: I just meant when it was released, it wasn’t the Mac. It was Apple Macintosh. And those of us old enough to remember really did call it Macintosh, not Mac, until the iMac I guess. I’m bummed they didn’t keep up the apple varieties, so many to choose from! — Wink (Tiddleywink) (@ampersandwich) September 20, 2020
Favorite tweet by @ampersandwich
Favorite tweet by @dlpasco
Favorite tweet by @dlpasco
Favorite tweet: All this other shit aside, my first week of work has been breathtakingly great. — Daniel Pasco (@dlpasco) September 19, 2020
Favorite tweet by @dlpasco
Favorite tweet by @karenkho
Favorite tweet by @karenkho
Favorite tweet: I am not doing well. I appreciate all the offers for help. Keep being kind to one another and drinking your water. The reminders this weekend have been pre-scheduled. — Karen K. Ho (@karenkho) September 18, 2020
Favorite tweet by @karenkho
Favorite tweet by @ParallaxStella
Favorite tweet by @ParallaxStella
Favorite tweet: I would daydream about falling into a vat like Harley Quinn and transforming into this blonde-haired blue-eyed white girl all the time growing up till around college. It's the saddest thing to admit now but growing up facing racism fucks you up. — Stella (@ParallaxStella) September 17, 2020
Favorite tweet by @ParallaxStella
Favorite tweet by @lexfri
Favorite tweet by @lexfri
Favorite tweet: Hi. I’m proud of my daughter. Thank you. — Lex Friedman (@lexfri) September 17, 2020
Favorite tweet by @lexfri
Favorite tweet by @CharlesFinch
Favorite tweet by @CharlesFinch
Favorite tweet: god bless the Redditor who pointed out that jack white looks like Michael Cera dressed up as Johnny Depp for Halloween — Charles Finch (@CharlesFinch) September 16, 2020
Favorite tweet by @CharlesFinch
Favorite tweet by @TheVTran
Favorite tweet by @TheVTran
Favorite tweet: you didn't follow me for this yet here I am posting my 2 fall looks because I'm a hoe for dead leaves (aka it's Thotumn season) 🍁🍂🍠🥧 — Victoria Tran 🌱 (@TheVTran) September 17, 2020
Favorite tweet by @TheVTran
Favorite tweet by @OhNoSheTwitnt
Favorite tweet by @OhNoSheTwitnt
Favorite tweet: If you refer to my pets as “it” I will refer to your children as “it.” — The Volatile Mermaid (@OhNoSheTwitnt) September 17, 2020
Favorite tweet by @OhNoSheTwitnt
Favorite tweet by @4MeSheDid
Favorite tweet by @4MeSheDid
Favorite tweet: Racism is so American when you protest it they want to charge you with sedition. — Hobosexual Rights Activist (@4MeSheDid) September 16, 2020
Favorite tweet by @4MeSheDid
Favorite tweet by @OhNoSheTwitnt
Favorite tweet by @OhNoSheTwitnt
Favorite tweet: If ICE were accused of performing force vasectomies every Trump supporter’s head would explode into a million swastikas. — The Volatile Mermaid (@OhNoSheTwitnt) September 16, 2020
Favorite tweet by @OhNoSheTwitnt
Favorite tweet by @CanUSayRhythm
Favorite tweet by @CanUSayRhythm
Favorite tweet: “Poverty is a denial of rights sold as a character flaw.” —@sarahkendzior — Ann Marie Latrassi (@CanUSayRhythm) September 16, 2020
Favorite tweet by @CanUSayRhythm
Favorite tweet by @OhNoSheTwitnt
Favorite tweet by @OhNoSheTwitnt
Favorite tweet: The only difference between Trump and Hitler is that the latter was able to write his own book. — The Volatile Mermaid (@OhNoSheTwitnt) September 16, 2020
Favorite tweet by @OhNoSheTwitnt