Found 1940 bookmarks
Favorite tweet by @Jerkwheatery
Favorite tweet by @Jerkwheatery
Favorite tweet: Please watch this 35 second Magnum clip. I have not stopped laughing. — Chris “Wear A Mask” Driver (@Jerkwheatery) June 30, 2020
Favorite tweet by @Jerkwheatery
Favorite tweet by @JoeDunman
Favorite tweet by @JoeDunman
Favorite tweet: Just shut everything down, suspend all mortgage and rent payments, give everybody $2k a month regardless of employment or means and call the rest of the year off. Otherwise we’re doomed. We knew this in April but pretended we could just wish it away. — Joe Dunman (@JoeDunman) June 29, 2020
Favorite tweet by @JoeDunman
Favorite tweet by @TheVTran
Favorite tweet by @TheVTran
Favorite tweet: i made this so the gamers can finally end me once and for all — Victoria Tran 🌱 (@TheVTran) June 30, 2020
Favorite tweet by @TheVTran
Favorite tweet by @mishacollins
Favorite tweet by @mishacollins
Favorite tweet: Hey, @jack: it’s @Twitter's turn. Do it for our country. — Misha Collins (@mishacollins) June 29, 2020
Favorite tweet by @mishacollins
Favorite tweet by @ShannonDowney
Favorite tweet by @ShannonDowney
Favorite tweet: Welp, today I move into the RV and leave my beloved Chicago. At least I didn’t sleep last night. Lol. Wish me luck. I’ll let you know when I land and start the “eating cookies and crying” portion of the transition. — Shannon “Badass Cross Stitch” Downey (@ShannonDowney) June 30, 2020
Favorite tweet by @ShannonDowney
Favorite tweet by @iamBrandonTV
Favorite tweet by @iamBrandonTV
Favorite tweet: Youtube can be scary. Reading the comments on Youtube can be scary and you don't know how people will react to you. I am seeing more positive comments about the @FunhausTeam video and people asking me to come back for another video. I shouldn't be scared about it anymore. — iamBrandon (@iamBrandonTV) June 30, 2020
Favorite tweet by @iamBrandonTV
Favorite tweet by @Rschooley
Favorite tweet by @Rschooley
Favorite tweet: If you have the goods, I'm not sure how you rationalize your silence as the deaths and suffering mount horrifically due to the ineptitude and corruption of one man, but I guess history is full of sniveling disappointments. — Schooley (@Rschooley) June 29, 2020
Favorite tweet by @Rschooley
Favorite tweet by @kyleve
Favorite tweet by @kyleve
Favorite tweet: We’ve had one impeachment yes, but what about second impeachment? — Kyle says "acab" 🏳️‍🌈 (@kyleve) June 30, 2020
Favorite tweet by @kyleve
Favorite tweet by @davenewworld_2
Favorite tweet by @davenewworld_2
Favorite tweet: Our presidential candidates are 74 and 77. Our Senate Majority Leader is 78. Our House Speaker is 80. The average age of our Senate is 62. The average age of our House is 57. ...And the average age of every living American is 37. We can’t pretend this isn’t part of the problem. — Fifty Shades of Whey (@davenewworld_2) June 27, 2020
Favorite tweet by @davenewworld_2
Favorite tweet by @wildbill
Favorite tweet by @wildbill
Favorite tweet: Hopefully it goes the way of Trump Steaks and Trump Air. — Bill Childers (@wildbill) June 29, 2020
Favorite tweet by @wildbill
Favorite tweet by @iamharaldur
Favorite tweet by @iamharaldur
Favorite tweet: There was an election in Iceland last night. The president got 92% of the vote. His opponent openly supported Trump. — Halli (@iamharaldur) June 29, 2020
Favorite tweet by @iamharaldur
Favorite tweet by @Carnage4Life
Favorite tweet by @Carnage4Life
Favorite tweet: I can't think of anything more elite than waving automatic weapons at oppressed minorities because they're trespassing near your mansion but go off. PS: Brandishing weapons at people is a crime. — Dare Obasanjo (@Carnage4Life) June 29, 2020
Favorite tweet by @Carnage4Life
Favorite tweet by @superpixels
Favorite tweet by @superpixels
Favorite tweet: After this is over let’s turn all trump golf properties into refugee welcome centers — Victor Agreda Jr (@superpixels) June 29, 2020
Favorite tweet by @superpixels
Favorite tweet by @BriannaWu
Favorite tweet by @BriannaWu
Favorite tweet: Yes, I'm familiar with the stunningly racist stereotypes you used with Asok the Intern and the fallout afterwards. It was well deserved. I'm saying if you were a less defective person that could write people of color, it would have gone better.
Favorite tweet by @BriannaWu