By fostering visitors' feelings of ownership of a public resource visitors will feel more responsible and donate more money. Visitors who saw a "Welcome to YOUR Park" instead of the Park sign felt more ownership and responsibility were more likely to pick up trash and donate 34% more.
Upvoted: By fostering visitors' feelings of ownership of a public resource, visitors will feel more responsible, and donate more money. Visitors who saw a "Welcome to YOUR Park" instead of “the Park” sign felt more ownership and responsibility, were more likely to pick up trash, and donate 34% more. via /r/science
Phrophecy is being removed for Maintenance but could it also be removed and returned for post-beyond light narrative reasons?
Upvoted: Phrophecy is being removed for Maintenance, but could it also be removed and returned for post-beyond light narrative reasons? via /r/DestinyLore
Does the Human Brain Resemble the Universe. A new analysis shows the distribution of fluctuation within the cerebellum neural network follows the same progression of distribution of matter in the cosmic web.
Upvoted: Does the Human Brain Resemble the Universe. A new analysis shows the distribution of fluctuation within the cerebellum neural network follows the same progression of distribution of matter in the cosmic web. via /r/science
[Image] Its time for my absolute favorite PS4 Exclusive Bloodborne. Overall masterpiece from world building lore combat and music. A game everyone should experience! 5 days left.
Upvoted: [Image] Its time for my absolute favorite PS4 Exclusive, Bloodborne. Overall masterpiece from world building, lore, combat and music. A game everyone should experience! 5 days left. via /r/PS4