

Actress Anita Ekberg after being followed and hounded by photographers beat one of them up. When they threatened to call the cops she retrieved a bow and arrow from her villa and shot another photographer. This shot was captured right before she released the bow.
Actress Anita Ekberg after being followed and hounded by photographers beat one of them up. When they threatened to call the cops she retrieved a bow and arrow from her villa and shot another photographer. This shot was captured right before she released the bow.
Upvoted: Actress Anita Ekberg, after being followed and hounded by photographers, beat one of them up. When they threatened to call the cops she retrieved a bow and arrow from her villa and shot another photographer. This shot was captured right before she released the bow. via /r/interestingasfuck https://ift.tt/3ojEZk4
Actress Anita Ekberg after being followed and hounded by photographers beat one of them up. When they threatened to call the cops she retrieved a bow and arrow from her villa and shot another photographer. This shot was captured right before she released the bow.
Upvoted: ooer via /r/HollowKnightMemes https://ift.tt/2HqaKHe
Upvoted: Please via /r/Doom https://ift.tt/2IQZSTJ
Favorite tweet by @DanFrakes
Favorite tweet by @DanFrakes
Favorite tweet: When the Mac App Store was announced 10 years ago today, I wrote about it for Macworld. Now I'm doing editorial *for* it. Life is weird sometimes. But grateful for everything, and everyone, that got me here. — Dan Frakes (@DanFrakes) October 20, 2020
Favorite tweet by @DanFrakes
Favorite tweet by @ositiart
Favorite tweet by @ositiart
Favorite tweet: i like zag's shade fan #hadesgame pic.twitter.com/TOvKlxtWg3 — ellen @ ween😈 (@ositiart) October 18, 2020
Favorite tweet by @ositiart
Favorite tweet by @stephenszczerba
Favorite tweet by @stephenszczerba
Favorite tweet: Stop abortion at the source. Vasectomies are reversible. Make every young man have one. When he‘s deemed financially & emotionally fit to be a father it will be reversed. What’s that? Did the idea of regulating a man’s body make you uncomfortable? Then mind your fucking business — wittyidiot (@stephenszczerba) October 18, 2020
Favorite tweet by @stephenszczerba
ExxonMobil misled the public about the climate crisis. Now they're trying to silence critics | ExxonMobil in trying to dismiss our findings has inadvertently made them stronger. They have done so in three ways which we summarize today in a peer-reviewed rebuttal.
ExxonMobil misled the public about the climate crisis. Now they're trying to silence critics | ExxonMobil in trying to dismiss our findings has inadvertently made them stronger. They have done so in three ways which we summarize today in a peer-reviewed rebuttal.
Upvoted: ExxonMobil misled the public about the climate crisis. Now they're trying to silence critics | ExxonMobil, in trying to dismiss our findings, has inadvertently made them stronger. They have done so in three ways, which we summarize today in a peer-reviewed rebuttal. via /r/science https://ift.tt/3koI0NC
ExxonMobil misled the public about the climate crisis. Now they're trying to silence critics | ExxonMobil in trying to dismiss our findings has inadvertently made them stronger. They have done so in three ways which we summarize today in a peer-reviewed rebuttal.