

Favorite tweet by @ParallaxStella
Favorite tweet by @ParallaxStella
Favorite tweet: I would daydream about falling into a vat like Harley Quinn and transforming into this blonde-haired blue-eyed white girl all the time growing up till around college. It's the saddest thing to admit now but growing up facing racism fucks you up. https://t.co/KcSDJCgQoi — Stella (@ParallaxStella) September 17, 2020
Favorite tweet by @ParallaxStella
Favorite tweet by @lexfri
Favorite tweet by @lexfri
Favorite tweet: Hi. I’m proud of my daughter. Thank you. pic.twitter.com/UVdBaPUKyk — Lex Friedman (@lexfri) September 17, 2020
Favorite tweet by @lexfri
Favorite tweet by @CharlesFinch
Favorite tweet by @CharlesFinch
Favorite tweet: god bless the Redditor who pointed out that jack white looks like Michael Cera dressed up as Johnny Depp for Halloween pic.twitter.com/6az2PuCNZz — Charles Finch (@CharlesFinch) September 16, 2020
Favorite tweet by @CharlesFinch
Favorite tweet by @TheVTran
Favorite tweet by @TheVTran
Favorite tweet: you didn't follow me for this yet here I am posting my 2 fall looks because I'm a hoe for dead leaves (aka it's Thotumn season) 🍁🍂🍠🥧 pic.twitter.com/Ixp4EO0usD — Victoria Tran 🌱 (@TheVTran) September 17, 2020
Favorite tweet by @TheVTran
Favorite tweet by @OhNoSheTwitnt
Favorite tweet by @OhNoSheTwitnt
Favorite tweet: If you refer to my pets as “it” I will refer to your children as “it.” — The Volatile Mermaid (@OhNoSheTwitnt) September 17, 2020
Favorite tweet by @OhNoSheTwitnt
Nailed it
Nailed it
Upvoted: Nailed it via /r/Damnthatsinteresting https://ift.tt/2RBLBey
Nailed it
Favorite tweet by @4MeSheDid
Favorite tweet by @4MeSheDid
Favorite tweet: Racism is so American when you protest it they want to charge you with sedition. https://t.co/OoqevrdNK5 — Hobosexual Rights Activist (@4MeSheDid) September 16, 2020
Favorite tweet by @4MeSheDid
Favorite tweet by @OhNoSheTwitnt
Favorite tweet by @OhNoSheTwitnt
Favorite tweet: If ICE were accused of performing force vasectomies every Trump supporter’s head would explode into a million swastikas. — The Volatile Mermaid (@OhNoSheTwitnt) September 16, 2020
Favorite tweet by @OhNoSheTwitnt
Favorite tweet by @CanUSayRhythm
Favorite tweet by @CanUSayRhythm
Favorite tweet: “Poverty is a denial of rights sold as a character flaw.” —@sarahkendzior — Ann Marie Latrassi (@CanUSayRhythm) September 16, 2020
Favorite tweet by @CanUSayRhythm
Favorite tweet by @OhNoSheTwitnt
Favorite tweet by @OhNoSheTwitnt
Favorite tweet: The only difference between Trump and Hitler is that the latter was able to write his own book. — The Volatile Mermaid (@OhNoSheTwitnt) September 16, 2020
Favorite tweet by @OhNoSheTwitnt
Favorite tweet by @robotspacer
Favorite tweet by @robotspacer
Favorite tweet: I’m sorry for your loss and that you have to go through it this way. — Mike Piontek (@robotspacer) September 16, 2020
Favorite tweet by @robotspacer
Favorite tweet by @marclafountain
Favorite tweet by @marclafountain
Favorite tweet: Sad to hear this news. I’m sorry for your loss and that you’re having to deal with it during COVID. Take care. — Marc LaFountain (@marclafountain) September 16, 2020
Favorite tweet by @marclafountain
Favorite tweet by @AdrienneLaw
Favorite tweet by @AdrienneLaw
Favorite tweet: This courageous woman deserves all of the support, protection and credit for exposing ICE’s genocidal eugenics. Dawn Wooten did what too many were too weak to do: she spoke out—and she didn’t wait for a book deal to do it. https://t.co/gBBiCYCpla — Adrienne Lawrence (@AdrienneLaw) September 16, 2020
Favorite tweet by @AdrienneLaw
Favorite tweet by @SupScooterr
Favorite tweet by @SupScooterr
Favorite tweet: I had a stupid idea for the iPad’s LiDAR and needed to make it. pic.twitter.com/jKWjcpL80u — Scooterr 🏳️‍🌈 BLM (@SupScooterr) September 15, 2020
Favorite tweet by @SupScooterr
Favorite tweet by @RachyMills
Favorite tweet by @RachyMills
Favorite tweet: Please tell me all your homes are absolutely trashed every day too pic.twitter.com/RTNLnKYcUV — Rachel Delphin (@RachyMills) September 15, 2020
Favorite tweet by @RachyMills
Favorite tweet by @settern
Favorite tweet by @settern
Favorite tweet: 2020: “I love deadlines. I love the whooshing noise they make as they go by.” This year is kind of channeling my favorite Douglas Adams quote… and I am learning to be okay with it. Sometimes the work is gonna take a little longer. But the good stuff is worth the wait. — Serenity Caldwell (@settern) September 15, 2020
Favorite tweet by @settern