

Favorite tweet by @sarahjeong
Favorite tweet by @sarahjeong
Favorite tweet: You would be surprised at how many people send me these kinds of messages from their work emails. But using the domain for your online church is a new low, and yes, I am going post your email on the internet. — sarah jeong (@sarahjeong) September 15, 2020
Favorite tweet by @sarahjeong
Favorite tweet by @sarahjeong
Favorite tweet by @sarahjeong
Favorite tweet: I pretty much never do this but this guy is a “pastor” pic.twitter.com/ejzNGkHubl — sarah jeong (@sarahjeong) September 15, 2020
Favorite tweet by @sarahjeong
Favorite tweet by @jamesthomson
Favorite tweet by @jamesthomson
Favorite tweet: My conspiracy theory is that iOS 14 has been GM for at least a week, and engineering wanted to release it to developers back then, but marketing didn’t want it revealing anything about the new products. — James Thomson (@jamesthomson) September 15, 2020
Favorite tweet by @jamesthomson
Favorite tweet by @GigglesNschitt
Favorite tweet by @GigglesNschitt
Favorite tweet: Don’t be too hard on socialism; It’s bailed out capitalism more than once. — Exploding Log Cabin (@GigglesNschitt) September 15, 2020
Favorite tweet by @GigglesNschitt
Favorite tweet by @jeffkibuule
Favorite tweet by @jeffkibuule
Favorite tweet: Yep, Apple Watch Series 6 can measure blood oxygen. This lead software engineer can go on vacation now. #AppleEvent — Joefrey Kibuule, MD (@jeffkibuule) September 15, 2020
Favorite tweet by @jeffkibuule
Favorite tweet by @mb
Favorite tweet by @mb
Favorite tweet: I like to call this animation the “swoopy doopy”. #AppleEvent — Matthew Bischoff (@mb) September 15, 2020
Favorite tweet by @mb
Favorite tweet by @GlennF
Favorite tweet by @GlennF
Favorite tweet: There’s a simple difference between Democrats and Republicans on voting. Democrats want everyone to be able to vote, even if it adds 50-50 in party affiliation—a wash. Republicans want Republicans to be able to vote, even if it requires crimes against humanity to suppress people. — Glenn Fleishman (@GlennF) September 15, 2020
Favorite tweet by @GlennF
Favorite tweet by @BodyofBreen
Favorite tweet by @BodyofBreen
Favorite tweet: Look, you and I know you’d have to be an idiot to go to a bar, dine inside a restaurant, or sing in church, but there are a lot of idiots out there. I propose a new greeting. Rather than “How ya been?” let’s try “Where ya been?” Unless they’re maskless. Then you already know. — Chris Breen (@BodyofBreen) September 14, 2020
Favorite tweet by @BodyofBreen
Favorite tweet by @IssueFortyFive
Favorite tweet by @IssueFortyFive
Favorite tweet: ‘Keep politics out of sports!’ I scream as I rise for the national anthem in a stadium built with $300 million in public funds. — qualified immunity disliker (@IssueFortyFive) September 14, 2020
Favorite tweet by @IssueFortyFive
Favorite tweet by @crosberg
Favorite tweet by @crosberg
Favorite tweet: For a lot of trans, nonbinary, and gender non conforming folks this isn't a little hill...it's a sign that you're not someone they can trust. https://t.co/FGE6aRgtRa — Caitlín Rosberg (@crosberg) September 14, 2020
Favorite tweet by @crosberg
Favorite tweet by @edbott
Favorite tweet by @edbott
Favorite tweet: Might need that money for legal fees. https://t.co/tZT61KA4Ml — Ed Bott (@edbott) September 14, 2020
Favorite tweet by @edbott
Favorite tweet by @_RebeccaParham
Favorite tweet by @_RebeccaParham
Favorite tweet: Dinosaurs are related to modern days birds so there’s an argument to be made they all honked like geese. — Rebecca Parham (@_RebeccaParham) September 14, 2020
Favorite tweet by @_RebeccaParham
Favorite tweet by @karbarrett
Favorite tweet by @karbarrett
Favorite tweet: Triangle man, triangle man, triangle man hates person man. They have a fight, triangle wins, triangle man — Karen Barrett (@karbarrett) September 13, 2020
Favorite tweet by @karbarrett
Favorite tweet by @OrionWarrior10
Favorite tweet by @OrionWarrior10
Favorite tweet: Some friends and I wondered what would happen if you shot a golden gun into titans methane oceans Game footage recorded by @mentalundead #destiny2 #blender3d #b3d @rDESTNYCREATION pic.twitter.com/cz3LvnBhdU — Harry (@OrionWarrior10) September 13, 2020
Favorite tweet by @OrionWarrior10
Favorite tweet by @ttscoff
Favorite tweet by @ttscoff
Favorite tweet: My mom asked for a picture of me and @newman.elle so I sent her this white people stock photo I found. https://t.co/3Cm9cLr6EX pic.twitter.com/3HC2FDrcja — Brett Terpstra wishes you were wearing a mask (@ttscoff) September 13, 2020
Favorite tweet by @ttscoff
Favorite tweet by @jilliancyork
Favorite tweet by @jilliancyork
Favorite tweet: Writer friends, what do you do when you know what you want to say but you're feeling insecure/imposter syndrome but you need to...well, meet a deadline. — on deadline (@jilliancyork) September 13, 2020
Favorite tweet by @jilliancyork