

In Finland temperature gets as low as -40C in winter the trees are covered in so much snow and frost that it looks like landscape from another planet
In Finland temperature gets as low as -40C in winter the trees are covered in so much snow and frost that it looks like landscape from another planet
Upvoted: In Finland temperature gets as low as -40C in winter, the trees are covered in so much snow and frost that it looks like landscape from another planet via /r/interestingasfuck https://ift.tt/2EN8JUk
In Finland temperature gets as low as -40C in winter the trees are covered in so much snow and frost that it looks like landscape from another planet
My daughter and I have been playing BL2 co-op but were almost done and moving to BL3. Found this at GameStop covered in dust on the top shelf. Blew her mind when I surprised her today.
My daughter and I have been playing BL2 co-op but were almost done and moving to BL3. Found this at GameStop covered in dust on the top shelf. Blew her mind when I surprised her today.
Upvoted: My daughter and I have been playing BL2 co-op but we’re almost done and moving to BL3. Found this at GameStop covered in dust on the top shelf. Blew her mind when I surprised her today. via /r/borderlands3 https://ift.tt/2YOU8yS
My daughter and I have been playing BL2 co-op but were almost done and moving to BL3. Found this at GameStop covered in dust on the top shelf. Blew her mind when I surprised her today.
Favorite tweet by @danielpunkass
Favorite tweet by @danielpunkass
Favorite tweet: Don't be afraid to offend your friends and relatives who support Trump. They're not afraid to openly support a fascist dictator who defies all traditional American values. There's something wrong with them, not with us. Dethrone Trump. — Daniel Jalkut (@danielpunkass) August 31, 2020
Favorite tweet by @danielpunkass
Favorite tweet by @sdw
Favorite tweet by @sdw
Favorite tweet: Follow some other people? My Twitter is about music and birds and whales and art — Sebastiaan de With (@sdw) August 30, 2020
Favorite tweet by @sdw
Favorite tweet by @Luceobrien
Favorite tweet by @Luceobrien
Favorite tweet: My girlfriend and I will only be addressed as chess pieces from now on pic.twitter.com/UBb3dSnuN5 — Lucy O'Brien (@Luceobrien) August 29, 2020
Favorite tweet by @Luceobrien
TIL Denzel Washington once quietly helped pay for Howard University students to attend a prestigious theater program at Oxford when they couldn't afford to go. One of those students was Chadwick Bosemam
TIL Denzel Washington once quietly helped pay for Howard University students to attend a prestigious theater program at Oxford when they couldn't afford to go. One of those students was Chadwick Bosemam
Upvoted: TIL Denzel Washington once quietly helped pay for Howard University students to attend a prestigious theater program at Oxford when they couldn't afford to go. One of those students was Chadwick Bosemam via /r/todayilearned https://ift.tt/3jqHRsh
TIL Denzel Washington once quietly helped pay for Howard University students to attend a prestigious theater program at Oxford when they couldn't afford to go. One of those students was Chadwick Bosemam
Favorite tweet by @MatthewACherry
Favorite tweet by @MatthewACherry
Favorite tweet: Chadwick was really out here shooting all of these huge action movies while fighting stage 4 colon cancer. Man. Strong isn’t even the word. — Matthew A. Cherry (@MatthewACherry) August 29, 2020
Favorite tweet by @MatthewACherry
Favorite tweet by @mrmedina
Favorite tweet by @mrmedina
Favorite tweet: "But in times of crisis the wise build bridges, while the foolish build barriers. We must find a way to look after one another, as if we were one single tribe." — T’Challa pic.twitter.com/drz3nOOFw5 — alex medina (@mrmedina) August 29, 2020
Favorite tweet by @mrmedina