Stripe Press — Ideas for progress有趣的在线书店书本交互#创意#电商#顶级创意视觉交互··Oct 6, 2021Stripe Press — Ideas for progress
Sofia Papadopoulou - Visual Designer & Art Director纯黑白风格很酷~个人网站 Portfolio#顶级创意视觉交互#黑白#一屏到底(单页)··Aug 5, 2021Sofia Papadopoulou - Visual Designer & Art Director
We are BüroHello, we are Büro. We craft remarkable experiences on screen and paper.设计工作室 Design Studio#强动效#黑白#顶级创意视觉交互··Jul 12, 2021We are Büro
Contra | The State of Independence Report 2021互联网科技行业#顶级创意视觉交互#强动效#优秀衔接动效#转场动效#黑紫··Jun 16, 2021Contra | The State of Independence Report 2021
Nomadic Tribe — makemepulse像电影一样非常非常美和创意其他#顶级创意视觉交互··Jun 4, 2021Nomadic Tribe — makemepulse
We are COLLINS | COLLINS设计工作室 Design Studio#黑白#顶级创意视觉交互··Jun 1, 2021We are COLLINS | COLLINS
Lēonard - Inventive Agency其他#迷人渐变配色#强动效#转场动效#5星#顶级创意视觉交互··May 5, 2021Lēonard - Inventive Agency
Lewa House - Wild Experience, Wild Landscape, Wild Life其他#创意#古典风格#声音交互#精致排版#强动效#转场动效#3D技术#顶级创意视觉交互··Apr 10, 2021Lewa House - Wild Experience, Wild Landscape, Wild Life
Philippe Neveu - Independent motion & interactive designerI'm a freelance motion and interactive designer. I try to give movement, smartness, fun and interactivity to users in my work.个人网站 Portfolio#动效设计师#顶级创意视觉交互#优秀衔接动效··Dec 1, 2020Philippe Neveu - Independent motion & interactive designer