NorgramNorgram® is a design studio based in Denmark—working internationally to design iconic brands and digital experiences with focus on what’s essential.设计工作室 Design Studio#设计工作室#文字排版#干净··Nov 22, 2020Norgram
Bravo Studio | The best no-code tool to build native apps很搞笑很活泼的互联网风格#搞笑#可爱轻松活泼··Nov 20, 2020Bravo Studio | The best no-code tool to build native apps
Abcam plc – global provider of reagents for life scientists化学网站#化学500强··Nov 20, 2020Abcam plc – global provider of reagents for life scientists
ism - homepageParis-Tokyo based online store curating & delivering Japanese crafts with real philosophies#精致排版#电商#日系#干净··Nov 16, 2020ism - homepage
奥远科技奥远科技是专注于信息化建设与互联网产品开发的高新科技企业,主要服务于百强企业、上市公司、大型集团网站建设。承接大型电商网站、复杂功能型网站、APP、微信、小程序,oa办公管理系统,ERP管理系统开发。为客户提供一站式网络营销解决方案,全国统一客服热线:4000-880-989。#外包企业··Nov 10, 2020奥远科技
ハイケム株式会社日本と中国の架け橋として、創業以来、常にお客様のニーズと時代の変化をいち早く捉え、そこにあるギャップを満たすことで成長を遂げてきました.#蓝白配色··Nov 9, 2020ハイケム株式会社
Really Good EmailsThe Best Email Designs in the Universe (that came into my inbox)#推广邮件灵感··Nov 8, 2020Really Good Emails
Visual, UI Designer based in Ostrava, Czechia | Petr BilekVisual and UI Designer focusing on experience design for Startups and Brands. Crafting and managing Design assets for tools like Adobe XD, Figma, or Webflow.个人网站 Portfolio#可爱轻松活泼··Nov 8, 2020Visual, UI Designer based in Ostrava, Czechia | Petr Bilek
Anima | Design to development platformTransform Figma, XD, and Sketch designs to developer-friendly React and HTML code automatically.#落地页#设计感#科技互联网··Nov 2, 2020Anima | Design to development platform