个人网站 Portfolio

个人网站 Portfolio

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Fangye Xu
Fangye Xu
Fangye XU - 我是一名界面设计师 - 关注数字时代的设计 - 关注交互设计 视觉设计 以及前端开发 - 做一名将技术与艺术结合在一起的设计师
Fangye Xu
ChungiYoo - Home
ChungiYoo - Home
A Germany based Art Director, Graphic Designer & Illustrator specializing in branding and illustration. I love creating bold creative works and enjoy illustrating colorful editorial visuals and drawings which are fun to look at but at the same time spread awareness.
ChungiYoo - Home
Just another That Portfolio Network site
Hindy Design
Hindy Design
A digital product designer from China. My goal is to provide creative and emotive identities, interfaces and user experience. Let’s build something great together.
Hindy Design