Blog posts

Scenario-based learning (SBL) uses interactive scenarios to support active learning strategies such as problem-based or case-based learning. It normally involves students working their way through a storyline, usually based around an ill-structured or complex problem, which they are required to solve.
Scenario-based learning is based on the principles of situated learning theory (Lave & Wenger, 1991), which argues that learning best takes place in the context in which it is going to be used, and situated cognition, the idea that knowledge is best acquired and more fully understood when situated within its context (Kindley, 2002)
Open a Mac app from an unidentified developer - Apple Support
Open a Mac app from an unidentified developer - Apple Support
When installing Twine on a Mac, you may get a warning about it being an "unidentified developer." This is just Apple trying to restrict you from leaving their walled garden and using an open source program where they can't make any money. Follow these directions to change the security settings and install the program.
Open a Mac app from an unidentified developer - Apple Support
How Instructional Design Is Operationalized in Various Industries for job-Seeking Learning Designers: Engaging the Talent Development Capability Model | SpringerLink
How Instructional Design Is Operationalized in Various Industries for job-Seeking Learning Designers: Engaging the Talent Development Capability Model | SpringerLink
Research comparing job listings to the ATD capability model.
Using the preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses (PRISMA) organizational framework as our method of reviewing job postings, we found that instructional design, talent delivery and facilitation, technology application, communication, and collaboration and leadership capabilities appeared the most frequently.
For corporate settings, more jobs than expected require bachelor’s degrees and fewer jobs than expected require a master’s degree or higher. On the contrary, for higher education settings, more jobs than expected required master’s degrees or higher and fewer jobs than expected required bachelor’s degrees. While this may not be surprising to some job seekers, it does indicate that job applicants with bachelor’s degrees already possess the educational requirements for a corporate role.
How Instructional Design Is Operationalized in Various Industries for job-Seeking Learning Designers: Engaging the Talent Development Capability Model | SpringerLink
Learning Objectives: GOAL!?! – 3-Star learning experiences
Learning Objectives: GOAL!?! – 3-Star learning experiences
Summary of research on the value of telling learners the objectives at the beginning of training. The research supports giving learners specific "focusing objectives" to help them recognize what's important. However, that doesn't mean those objectives need to be the same formal learning objectives we use as IDs. In fact, using objectives as multiple choice questions to show people what they don't know yet may be effective.
As instructors and designers, we need to keep in mind that there can be other reasons to use objectives <em>and </em>we need to clearly distinguish between objectives that we use as instructional/learning designers versus the ones we might use for learners.
Learning Objectives: GOAL!?! – 3-Star learning experiences
First Principles of Instruction summary • M David Merrill • myBRAINisOPEN
First Principles of Instruction summary • M David Merrill • myBRAINisOPEN
A 12-part series on Merrill's First Principles of Instruction
In First Principles of Instruction, Merrill identifies five core instructional design principles which he has synthesised from his review of all of these theories, frameworks, and models. He then sets out ways in which these principles can be systematically used to inform the design and development of learning activities, (both online and in a face-to-face context). Merrill then makes a case that following these principles should lead to effective, efficient and engaging learning experiences.
<h2>Problem-centred</h2> <p><strong>Learning is promoted when learners acquire knowledge and skill in the context of real-world problems or tasks.</strong></p>
<h2>Activation</h2> <p><strong>Learning is promoted when learners recall or apply existing knowledge and skill as a foundation for new skills.</strong></p>
<h2>Demonstration</h2> <p><strong>Learning is promoted when learners observe a demonstration of the knowledge and skill to be learned.</strong></p>
<h2>Application</h2> <p><strong>Learning is promoted when learners use their newly acquired knowledge and skill to solve new problems or carry out tasks.</strong></p>
<h2>Integration</h2> <p><strong>Learning is promoted when learners reflect on, discuss and defend their newly acquired skill or integrate the skill into a real-world activity.</strong></p>
First Principles of Instruction summary • M David Merrill • myBRAINisOPEN
Tint and Shade Generator
Tint and Shade Generator
Provide hex codes for colors and get tints (lighter) and shades (darker) of that color. Useful for staying within a color scheme while still providing some variety
Tint and Shade Generator
In this sample, Tracy used Storyline to simulate the look and feel of BranchTrack. The choices are styled with numbers and text like BranchTrack, and the push transition between slides mimics the effect between choices. If you don't have BranchTrack but like that style, this shows how you can accomplish the same effect in Storyline. This could be used for a lot of branching scenarios or short sims.
E-learning templates and assets | Who's your ADDIE?
E-learning templates and assets | Who's your ADDIE?
Marketplace for buying and selling elearning templates and assets. Think of this like a "teachers pay teachers" for IDs and elearning developers. If you have a few things you'd like to see but don't want to set up your own website to sell them, you can use this site.
E-learning templates and assets | Who's your ADDIE?
Opinion | Your Friend Doesn’t Want the Vaccine. What Do You Say? - The New York Times
Opinion | Your Friend Doesn’t Want the Vaccine. What Do You Say? - The New York Times
This is an example of a chatbot simulation to teach people how to persuade people to get vaccinated using motivational interviewing techniques. This includes immediate feedback after each choice, right or wrong (appropriate for an audience with zero background in motivational interviewing, even if it breaks up the conversation). The branching structure is a simple gauntlet. After each wrong choice, you get feedback and then are forced to pick the correct choice to continue the conversation.
Opinion | Your Friend Doesn’t Want the Vaccine. What Do You Say? - The New York Times
VEED Online Video Editor
VEED Online Video Editor
I haven't tried this tool, but it looks like a decent tool for creating or subtitling a quick video with a free tool. The free version has limits in video length and only exports to 780p, but that might be enough for a quick portfolio sample. As a paid tool, I think most elearning folks would probably be better off paying a little more to get Camtasia instead.
VEED Online Video Editor
Decisions, Decisions! – Engage Brain and Train!
Decisions, Decisions! – Engage Brain and Train!
A humorous Choose Your Own Adventure branching scenario sample by Jonathan Hill. The look and feel matches the classic books. Jonathan includes a tip to consider adding decisions in the beginning that have no impact on the outcome (just a cosmetic change), but provide a tutorial or practice on using the controls.
Decisions, Decisions! – Engage Brain and Train!
Pose - Easy Character Guidelines by Gal Shir
Pose - Easy Character Guidelines by Gal Shir
App for creating poses for characters. These are just outlines, which you'd have to illustrate yourself in another app. Kevin Thorn demonstrated this as a way to create custom characters for scenarios, which you can pose in exactly the way you need. This is a browser-based app, currently $19.
Pose - Easy Character Guidelines by Gal Shir