Blog posts
Matchstick Game - shared actions - Captivate blog
Lieve explains how she used shared actions to create a game. She also details how she labels and groups everything. The labeling system would be usable for many other situations when you have a plethora of objects on a single slide.
Sites with High Quality Photos You Can Use for Free | CSS-Tricks
Free photos. This list includes a number of sites I haven't seen elsewhere. Many of these just share a few photos each week, and you'd have to be pretty creative to use them for most corporate e-learning. This isn't just typical stock photos.
Abstract of Study Related to Storytelling « Karl Kapp
In a comparison of narrative and expository format for video instruction, learners retained more information with the narrative format.
In a controlled experiment, participants listened to videotaped instruction presented in either narrative or expository form and presented at<br>
either a normal or a moderately compressed rate. Results indicate a relationship between organization<br>
and retention such that audience members retain more information when it is presented in a<br>
narrative style and when it is presented at a normal presentation rate. Practically, the results suggest advantages for narrative form in the everyday practice of instructional communication.
3 Ways to Take Your Freelance Instructional Design Full-Time – Ashley Chiasson, M.Ed
Tips from an ID two months after moving to full time as a freelancer. I do think a portfolio is critical, especially for those just starting in the field or changing from another career. Having an active online presence and continuous learning are also great tips.
Where to Find Freelance Instructional Design Gigs - Ashley Chiasson, M.Ed
First hand experience from someone who has used multiple different sites and techniques to find freelance clients. I think the cold contacts really only works because she put in so much effort researching and targeting specific companies with customized messages; I doubt generic cold contacts would have done as much for her. Super fan-girling over here that @ChristyATucker linked to some of my posts! EEE! - Where to Find Freelance ID Gigs
Creating a Slider in Captivate 8 – An Experiment
Create a slider with rollovers and advanced actions in Cp8, similar to the Storyline 2 slider. Also includes the failed first attempt and explains why it didn't quite work as desired. Purchasing the Infosemantics slider component widget would be faster, but it's nice to see how it would be possible.