Blog posts

eLearning Guild Research: Gender Issues in Pay, or What You Don't Know Does Hurt You by Patti Shank : Learning Solutions Magazine
eLearning Guild Research: Gender Issues in Pay, or What You Don't Know Does Hurt You by Patti Shank : Learning Solutions Magazine
Patti Shank on the gender gap in e-learning pay (almost 10% lower on average). Educate yourself and do a better job negotiating your own salary, at least as one way to improve the issue.
eLearning Guild Research: Gender Issues in Pay, or What You Don't Know Does Hurt You by Patti Shank : Learning Solutions Magazine
The Best Add-Ons for Google Drive
The Best Add-Ons for Google Drive
Lifehacker's list of add ons for Google Docs and Sheets. HelloFax lets you fax documents (HelloSign lets you sign them). UberConference adds an audio conference call to a Google Doc so you can talk while collaborating. There's also an option to track changes like in Word
The Best Add-Ons for Google Drive
The Manifesto | Serious eLearning Manifesto
The Manifesto | Serious eLearning Manifesto
Principles for "serious elearning"
<h5>Provide Realistic Practice</h5> <p>We will provide learners sufficient levels of realistic practice; for example, simulations, scenario-based decision making, case-based evaluations, and authentic exercises.</p>
<h5>Enlist Authentic Contexts</h5> <p>We will provide learners with sufficient experience in making decisions in authentic contexts.</p>
<h5>Provide Realistic Consequences</h5> <p>When providing performance feedback during learning, we will provide learners with a sense of the real-world consequences.</p>
The Manifesto | Serious eLearning Manifesto
Review My eLearning
Review My eLearning
Tool to collect feedback on SCORM courses. Reviewers can make comments without having to switch windows. All comments are collected in a dashboard. Cheapest plan is 1 course for $15/month, with other plans available.
Review My eLearning
How To Choose An Authoring Tool For Your HTML eLearning Development | The Upside Learning Blog
How To Choose An Authoring Tool For Your HTML eLearning Development | The Upside Learning Blog
Comparison of Lectora, Storyline, and Captivate. Some good details I haven't seen elsewhere, like how each program loads the framework and content and how that affects performance. A few inaccuracies (you can still create a non-ADA compliant course in Lectora even if you check the 508 box, for example).
How To Choose An Authoring Tool For Your HTML eLearning Development | The Upside Learning Blog
Definitely Not One-Size-Fits-All: Learning and Development Job Titles — TheWorkSocial
Definitely Not One-Size-Fits-All: Learning and Development Job Titles — TheWorkSocial

A large list of job titles in the L&D world. This might be helpful for people job searching to have some other phrases and terms to look for.

Updated list 2014:

Definitely Not One-Size-Fits-All: Learning and Development Job Titles — TheWorkSocial
If You Want To Get Something Done, Get Out Of The Office « Annie Murphy Paul
If You Want To Get Something Done, Get Out Of The Office « Annie Murphy Paul
Case study on how allowing employees to work from home increased productivity
<p>“The results we saw at Ctrip blew me away. Ctrip was thinking that it could save money on space and furniture if people worked from home and that the savings would outweigh the productivity hit it would take when employees left the discipline of the office environment.</p> <p>“Instead, we found that people working from home completed 13.5% more calls than the staff in the office did—meaning that Ctrip got almost an extra workday a week out of them. They also quit at half the rate of people in the office—way beyond what we anticipated. And predictably, at-home workers reported much higher job satisfaction.”</p>
<p>One other fascinating insight from the interview: Bloom notes that those who liked the work-at-home option most were people:</p> <p>” . . . who have established social lives—older workers, married workers, parents. We found that the younger workers whose social lives are more connected to the office tend to not want to work from home as much.</p>
If You Want To Get Something Done, Get Out Of The Office « Annie Murphy Paul
The Effects of Feedback Interventions on Performance: A Historical Review, a Meta-Analysis, and a Preliminary Feedback Intervention Theory (Kluger & DeNisi, 1996) | Reading for Pleasure
The Effects of Feedback Interventions on Performance: A Historical Review, a Meta-Analysis, and a Preliminary Feedback Intervention Theory (Kluger & DeNisi, 1996) | Reading for Pleasure
Research on the effects of feedback interventions. Feedback is not always beneficial for learning; in some cases, it can actually depress performance.
<p>The MCPL literature suggests that for an FI to directly improve learning, rather than motivate learning, it has to help the recipient to <em>reject erroneous hypotheses.</em> Whereas correcting errors is a feature of some types of FI messages, most types of FI messages do not contain such information and therefore should not improve learning—a claim consistent with CAI research.</p> <p>Moreover, even in learning situations where performance seems to benefit from FIs, learning through <em>FIs may be inferior to learning through discovery</em> (learning based on feedback from the task, rather than on feedback from an external agent). Task feedback may force the participant to learn task rules and recognize errors (e.g., Frese &amp; Zapf, 1994), whereas FI may lead the participant to learn how to use the FI as a crutch, while shortcutting the need for task learning (cf. J. R. Anderson, 1987). </p>
In the MCPL literature, several reviewers doubt whether FIs have any learning value (Balzer et al., 1989; Brehmer, 1980) and suggest alternatives to FI for increasing learning, such as providing the learner with more task information (Balzer et al., 1989). Another alternative to an FI is designing work or learning<br> environments that encourage trial and error, thus maximizing learning from task feedback without a direct intervention (Frese &amp; Zapf, 1994).
The Effects of Feedback Interventions on Performance: A Historical Review, a Meta-Analysis, and a Preliminary Feedback Intervention Theory (Kluger & DeNisi, 1996) | Reading for Pleasure
Female voice over and audio editing for e-learning. Demos are on the website. She has done dialog for more conversational courses in the past, although that demo isn't on her public website.