Blog posts

Cognitive Load Theory: Failure? « EdTechDev
Cognitive Load Theory: Failure? « EdTechDev
Explanation of cognitive load theory and the problems with it, both conceptual and methodological. Lots of sources to dig into deeper if you want more research on this issue.
Numerous contradictions of cognitive load theory’s predictions have been found, but with germane cognitive load, they can still be explained away.&nbsp; de Jong does not use this term (unfalsifiable) but instead states that germane cognitive load is a <em>post-hoc</em> explanation with no theoretical basis: “there seems to be no grounds for asserting that processes that lead to (correct) schema acquisition will impose a higher cognitive load than learning processes that do not lead to (correct) schemas” (2009).
2. <span style="text-decoration: underline;">Poor external validity of lab-based studies</span>.&nbsp; Moreno doesn’t touch on something in the de Jong article – the fact that most cognitive load (and multimedia learning) studies are conducted in labs that “includes participants who have no specific interest in learning the domain involved and who are also given a very short study time” (de Jong, 2009), often only a few minutes.&nbsp; Quite a number of findings from these studies have not held up as strongly when tested in classrooms or real-world scenarios, or have even reversed (<a href="">such as the modality effect</a>, but see <a href="">this refutation</a> and this <a href=";cpsidt=5135499">other example of a reverse effect</a>).
Cognitive Load Theory: Failure? « EdTechDev
Learning Visions: Ruth Clark: Evidence Based E-Learning #dl09 #dl09-104
Learning Visions: Ruth Clark: Evidence Based E-Learning #dl09 #dl09-104
Cammy Bean's live blogged notes from DevLearn with Ruth Clark. Lots of this is the multimedia principles I've read before (and maybe don't always apply in authentic learning environments, but that's another story). The research on animations vs stills was new to me though.
Learning Visions: Ruth Clark: Evidence Based E-Learning #dl09 #dl09-104
Angela Maiers Educational Services: Personal Branding and Education - Thoughts on "Me 2.0"
Angela Maiers Educational Services: Personal Branding and Education - Thoughts on "Me 2.0"
A discussion of personal branding and its connections to education, arguing that being able to demonstrate your talents and passions is a 21st century skill
Speaking from both his head and heart, Dan makes he compelling case that it is <strong>no longer is it enough to show that you are great, you have to show why you are a great</strong> match for a culture and brand of the company you want to work for. You have to be able to sell yourself, your talents, your passions, your uniqueness. (<a href=";task=view&amp;id=261&amp;Itemid=120">Aren't these Key 21st Century Skills?</a>)
Angela Maiers Educational Services: Personal Branding and Education - Thoughts on "Me 2.0"
Volunteer Opportunity to Build Your eLearning Portfolio | onehundredfortywords
Volunteer Opportunity to Build Your eLearning Portfolio | onehundredfortywords
Info on an organization looking for volunteer instructional designers/developers to create content for job seekers. They are OK with content being used in a portfolio, so this is a good place to gain some experience and get something to show for a portfolio.
Volunteer Opportunity to Build Your eLearning Portfolio | onehundredfortywords
Sakai Pilot Evaluation Final Report
Sakai Pilot Evaluation Final Report

UNC report on their pilot of Sakai as a replacement for Blackboard. Quote from a faculty member in the report: "Have heard many complaints about Blackboard being kludgy. Sakai is graceful."

The minimal support needed is a good sign of Sakai's overall usability: "First, of the more than 1,000 people using a completely new collaborative learning environment for almost a full year period, we had a total of 264 tickets—the vast majority of which (74%) were for requests to use the system (new sites and new user accounts)...In summary, from a support perspective, 54 substantive help requests on behalf of more than 1,000 pilot participants over a nearly one-year period was a very positive finding."

Sakai Pilot Evaluation Final Report
Getting It Wrong: Surprising Tips on How to Learn: Scientific American - Sean Kearney's Lifestream
Getting It Wrong: Surprising Tips on How to Learn: Scientific American - Sean Kearney's Lifestream
Interesting research--totally flies in the face of how most of us think about designing learning. Do we design learning environments that allow people to fail enough to learn?
The idea embedded in this approach is that if students make errors, they will learn the errors and be prevented (or slowed) in learning the correct information. But <a href=";id=2009-09620-017&amp;CFID=24407194&amp;CFTOKEN=49068829"> research </a> by Nate Kornell, Matthew Hays and Robert Bjork at U.C.L.A. that recently appeared in <em>the Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory and Cognition</em> reveals that this worry is misplaced. In fact, they found, learning becomes better if conditions are arranged so that students make errors
Getting It Wrong: Surprising Tips on How to Learn: Scientific American - Sean Kearney's Lifestream
Open Access Educational Technology journals – George Veletsianos
Open Access Educational Technology journals – George Veletsianos
Looking for research on e-learning, instructional design, educational technology, or related topics? Check out these open access journals. Great to have a filtered list for this rather than having to dig through some of the larger directories.
Open Access Educational Technology journals – George Veletsianos