Blog posts

2¢ Worth » Working for Value
2¢ Worth » Working for Value
David Warlick shares stories of authentic assignments and how they motivate learners. Writing & creating for an authentic audience is different from creating content just for a teacher.
<p>When writing, let’s say, to the teacher, you are communicated to be evaluated.&nbsp; Assessment is the outcome, based on some set of expectations involving skills and/or knowledge. </p> <p>However, when writing to an authentic audience, what you are trying to earn is not an evaluation (though there may be one coming in the process).&nbsp; What you are writing for is a <span style="font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;">response</span>, and that response will be directed toward what you have invested in the work, not just the facts you have included or the skills you have demonstrated.</p>
2¢ Worth » Working for Value
Weblogg-ed » Personalizing Education for Teachers, Too
Weblogg-ed » Personalizing Education for Teachers, Too
An argument against standardizing professional development for teachers. Will we ever transform education if we expect every teacher to learn the same things at the same time in the same way? If we personalize their learning and tap into their passions, we might be able to create some real change in education though.
Teachers are learners. If they’re not, they shouldn’t be teachers.
Weblogg-ed » Personalizing Education for Teachers, Too
10 Privacy Settings Every Facebook User Should Know
10 Privacy Settings Every Facebook User Should Know
If you're using Facebook, especially if you use it with multiple groups of people (friends, family, professional contacts, bloggers), friend lists are highly recommended. This is also a good article to pass along to people who are resistant. To some extent, I figure all the privacy is illusory; people can still share what they know, after all. But it's at least some protection.
10 Privacy Settings Every Facebook User Should Know
Writing in the 21st Century
Writing in the 21st Century

Report from the National Council of Teachers of English with a call to action to teach writing appropriately for the 21st century. Writing now often happens outside school in social spaces where people learn informally through their peers. Includes an overview of how writing has been viewed historically and how that has affected how we teach writing.

"Writing has never been accorded the cultural respect or the support that reading has enjoyed, in part because through reading, society could control its citizens, whereas through writing, citizens might exercise their own control."

"Writing has historically and inextricably been linked to testing."

"In much of this new composing, we are writing to share, yes; to encourage dialogue, perhaps; but mostly, I think, to participate."

"First, we have moved beyond a pyramid-like, sequential model of literacy development in which print literacy comes first and digital literacy comes second and networked literacy practices, if they come at all, come third and last."

Writing in the 21st Century
Multimedia Serves Youths' Desire to Express Themselves | Edutopia
Multimedia Serves Youths' Desire to Express Themselves | Edutopia
High school students in California find their voice through multimedia and learn to make a difference through what they create and share
"Media is the language of kids," Torres adds, saying that students who may not take to learning by reading a textbook or listening to a lecture often jump at the chance to understand complex concepts by presenting finished products in the form of a film or a Web documentary or a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation.
Multimedia Serves Youths' Desire to Express Themselves | Edutopia
Web Accessibility for Cognitive and Learning Disabilities: A Review of Research-Based Evidence in the Literature
Web Accessibility for Cognitive and Learning Disabilities: A Review of Research-Based Evidence in the Literature
Literature review on research related to accessibility specifically for cognitive disabilities. One conclusion from this review is that there's very little research actually out there to draw from; most guidelines and recommendations aren't grounded in much evidence.
Web Accessibility for Cognitive and Learning Disabilities: A Review of Research-Based Evidence in the Literature
Using threaded comments to build a writing community in your classroom | Reflections on Teaching
Using threaded comments to build a writing community in your classroom | Reflections on Teaching
A 6th grade teacher talks about the advantage of threaded blog comments for building a writing community. This encourages much more of students talking to each other and makes it easier to follow blog conversations.
One of those is threaded comments. This is rapidly bringing my blogs to the level I had always hoped to acheive–one where the students are talking to each other and not just talking to me.
Using threaded comments to build a writing community in your classroom | Reflections on Teaching
State Project
State Project
Example project from the Developing 21st Century Literacy Skills course. The assignment is to develop a project where students will develop and demonstrate 21st century literacy skills. In this project, students create a multimedia presentation with information about their state as if they are working in the visitor's bureau and trying to convince tourists to visit.
State Project
The Educational Remix- At Odds With Copyright? | nashworld
The Educational Remix- At Odds With Copyright? | nashworld
Interesting use of Animoto (which creates music videos from a collection of images) with text to create a presentation about the author of a book. Includes a description of how the presentation was created. This does raise some questions of copyright though. Does this count as a sufficiently transformative use of the song to be included here? I'm not 100% convinced; I probably would have found something from Magnatune or elsewhere that was CC-licensed.
The Educational Remix- At Odds With Copyright? | nashworld
UWM online psych students outperform those in lecture hall class - JSOnline
UWM online psych students outperform those in lecture hall class - JSOnline
Comparison of online version of an introductory psych class to the traditional large lecture format. Not surprisingly, when students can work at their own pace and get individualized support, they do better than passive students in a lecture with several hundred other students. The most interesting part about these results to me is that traditionally disadvantaged students were most helped by learning online.
<p>Professor Diane Reddy has replaced the traditional lecture format with an online version of Psych 101. Students learn at their own pace but also have to obtain mastery, demonstrated by passing a quiz on each unit, before they can move on to the next.</p> <p>Along the way, students get help from teaching assistants who monitor their online activity, identifying weak spots and providing advice - even if the students don't seek it.</p> <p>Initial evidence says it works: In a study of 5,000 students over two years, U-Pace students performed 12% better on the same cumulative test than students who took traditional Psych 101 with the same textbook and course content, even though U-Pace students had lower average grades than those in the conventional course.</p> <p>The online model, the study found, was particularly successful for disadvantaged or underprepared students - low-income students, racial and ethnic minorities, and those with low grades or ACT scores. And students in general do better in the class, too, earning a higher percentage of As and Bs than students earn in traditional Psych 101.</p>
UWM online psych students outperform those in lecture hall class - JSOnline
WebAIM: Screen Reader Survey Results
WebAIM: Screen Reader Survey Results
Results of a survey of screen reader users. Screen reader users are not uniform in their responses; proficiency levels and preferences vary widely. Clear heading structure is recommended, as this was a very common navigation technique. Because of the diversity of responses, it may be best to provide options so people can access content in the way that works for them.
WebAIM: Screen Reader Survey Results