Half an Hour: Types of Knowledge and Connective Knowledge
Stephen Downes on connective knowledge. This starts with qualitative and quantitative as two types of knowledge recognized historically, continuing with some history of philosophical positions on types of knowledge. Downes argues that connective knowledge is not either empirical or rationalist, but a third type of knowledge. He uses a metaphor of carbon in different forms: carbon atoms connected differently can be coal, graphite, or diamonds. It's the same atoms, but the connections are different.
So, connective knowledge is knowledge OF the connections that exist in the world. It is knowledge about how such connections are created, and what impact, or effect, such a system of connections has.
So we have two types of connective knowledge, the knowledge that we have OF networks, that we obtain by looking at networks, and knowledge that is created and stored BY networks in the world.<br><br>Summary: Connective knowledge is both:<br>- knowledge OF networks in the world<br>- knowledge obtained BY networks
Summary:<br><br>Active participation in the network:<br>- as a node in the network, by participating in society<br>- as a whole network, by perceiving with the brain (the neiural network)<br>Reflective participation in the network:<br>- by observing society as a whole<br>- by reflecting on our mental states and processes