Blog posts

How Interactive are YOUR Distance Courses
How Interactive are YOUR Distance Courses
However, studies such as one by Miller and Webster (1997, December) have found no significant difference in assessments of interaction between students in a synchronous (face-to-face) and asynchronous courses. Horn (1994) and Hirumi and Bermudez (1996) are among those who find that, with proper instructional design, distance courses actually can be more interactive than traditional ones, providing more personal and timely feedback to meet students’ needs than is possible in large, face-to-face courses.
How Interactive are YOUR Distance Courses
Clive on Learning: The Cult of the Amateur
Clive on Learning: The Cult of the Amateur
Before mass media, ordinary people painted, wrote poems and short stories, sang and played the piano. Then mass media not only took over all our discretionary time, it intimidated us with its multi-million dollar production budgets, its worship of celebrity and its stranglehold on the public consciousness. With web 2.0, the staus qou has been re-established. People once more feel empowered to be creative again; no more just voyeurs of the supposedly clever and talented.
Clive on Learning: The Cult of the Amateur
Bill Kerr: just the facts about online youth victimisation
Bill Kerr: just the facts about online youth victimisation
Disclosing personal information on line does not put teens at risk. What puts teens in danger is being willing to talk about sex on line with strangers or having a pattern of multiple risky activities on the web like going to sex sites and chat rooms<br><br>So, to prevent these crimes is going to be a lot more awkward, messy and complicated than something as bland as telling teens not to publish their personal information on line
Bill Kerr: just the facts about online youth victimisation
7 Things You Should Know About...
7 Things You Should Know About...
<p>The EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative's (ELI's) <em>7 Things You Should Know About...</em> series provides concise information on emerging learning technologies and related practices. Each brief focuses on a single technology or practice and describes:</p> <ul> <li>What it is</li> <li>How it works</li> <li>Where it is going</li> <li>Why it matters to teaching and learning</li></ul>
7 Things You Should Know About...