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Proof of Learning: Assessment in Serious Games
Proof of Learning: Assessment in Serious Games
So, rather than only translating traditional testing methods like MCQs into serious games, designers of serious games can also build on the methods that have worked in mainstream video games. That isn't to say that game designers already know everything there is to know about testing and other pedagogical methods. Nor are we saying that traditional testing methods have no place in a game environment. Instead, both game designers and educational professionals need to work together in developing serious games as a new teaching tool.
Proof of Learning: Assessment in Serious Games
Skip the textbook, play the video game | Chicago Tribune
Skip the textbook, play the video game | Chicago Tribune
"There are a lot of terrible educational games out there, where you have to do something unfun, like solve five math problems, so you can do something fun, like play a game," said Ben Stokes, a games expert at the MacArthur Foundation.<br><br> Instead, the experts are interested in the educational benefits of commercially available games that were not expressly designed for school use--simulation games like Zoo Tycoon, in which elementary school-age children can build virtual zoos by selecting animals, creating appropriate habitats, managing food budgets and even setting the prices of popcorn at the concession stands.<br>
Skip the textbook, play the video game | Chicago Tribune