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Survival Tips for Learning Professionals | LinkedIn
5 tips from Alexander Salas for how to get a job as an instructional designer or elearning developer (although these apply to other fields too):
- Have a website
- Continuously develop new skills
- Have daily social media presence
- Develop work samples
- Keep up with your industry
10 Great Jobs Where You Can Work Completely from Home - Business Insider
Curriculum developer, online teacher, and SME are on their list. If we're designing learning that can be delivered virtually, there's no reason that we shouldn't be working virtually too. I wish more companies would see the benefit of this and allow more WFH.
Articulate - Word of Mouth Blog - 5 Tips to Launch Your Career as an E-Learning Freelancer
Summary of tips from the Articulate freelancer community
1. Find your focus.
2. Save some money first.
3. Set up an online base of operations.
<strong>4. Create an online portfolio.</strong>
5. Track your time.
Definitely Not One-Size-Fits-All: Learning and Development Job Titles — TheWorkSocial
A large list of job titles in the L&D world. This might be helpful for people job searching to have some other phrases and terms to look for.
Updated list 2014:
Online Education for Instructional Designers: Picking the Right Program by Lorna Collier : Learning Solutions Magazine
Learning Solutions Magazine article on online education programs for instructional designers. Compares certificates to masters degrees and PhDs. Includes ideas on how to pick a program that is the right fit for you. The table at the end with a list of schools, programs, and costs is very helpful.
Custom E-Learning Training & LMS Solutions Kineo - New Skills for Instructional Designers
Slides from a presentation on ID skills, specifically at the intersection of instructional design and IT. Especially interesting were the comparisons of word clouds from descriptions of graduate programs in ID with word clouds from ID job descriptions.
Volunteer Opportunity to Build Your eLearning Portfolio | onehundredfortywords
Info on an organization looking for volunteer instructional designers/developers to create content for job seekers. They are OK with content being used in a portfolio, so this is a good place to gain some experience and get something to show for a portfolio.