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How to be good at networking
Good networkers don't see themselves as networkers. They're mostly trying to help people.
Most people approach networking from the wrong angle. Rather than going into conversations thinking, “What’s in this for me?” he recommends that you should think: “How can I make this person’s day better?”
This moment crystallized a few simple ideas when it came to Gordon’s approach to people: Kindness and empathy are simple to execute, actions are essential, and you always have to consider who you’re interacting with and how what you do impacts them.
<p>So what is the major takeaway for those who want to be seen as connectors and/or expert networkers? Gordon says the first step is to remember it’s not about you. The bottom line is, relationships get stronger through empathy, service, and creating reciprocity where everybody wins.</p><p>Here’s the thing. Good networkers don’t see themselves as networkers at all—they just want to help people.</p>