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#games #Twine
Top games made with Twine -
Top games made with Twine -
All of the top games made with Twine on the hosting platform This is a great place to look for some inspiration with interactive fiction.
Top games made with Twine -
Using Twine for Classroom Engagement - ACTion
Using Twine for Classroom Engagement - ACTion
This is a summary of a project at the University of Toronto using Twine to create an educational game, plus an overview of Twine.
Although Twine is a tool for creating “games”, this project goes beyond games and gamification to think creatively about how the functions of Twine can be used to create activities that allow students to more directly engage with learning content in a hands-on experiential format that may not be possible in a traditional classroom learning space.
Using Twine for Classroom Engagement - ACTion