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#identity #21stcenturyskills #reputation
Angela Maiers Educational Services: Personal Branding and Education - Thoughts on "Me 2.0"
Angela Maiers Educational Services: Personal Branding and Education - Thoughts on "Me 2.0"
A discussion of personal branding and its connections to education, arguing that being able to demonstrate your talents and passions is a 21st century skill
Speaking from both his head and heart, Dan makes he compelling case that it is <strong>no longer is it enough to show that you are great, you have to show why you are a great</strong> match for a culture and brand of the company you want to work for. You have to be able to sell yourself, your talents, your passions, your uniqueness. (<a href=";task=view&amp;id=261&amp;Itemid=120">Aren't these Key 21st Century Skills?</a>)
Angela Maiers Educational Services: Personal Branding and Education - Thoughts on "Me 2.0"