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Brain Science: Enable Your Brain to Remember Almost Everything | Learning Solutions Magazine
Brain Science: Enable Your Brain to Remember Almost Everything | Learning Solutions Magazine
Use memory boosters to reduce how much people forget after training.
So how often should information be boostered? We recommend that you send boosters out in three phases. You can keep this in mind by remembering 2+2+2. Send out boosters after two days, two weeks, and two months.
This first set of boosters should be “recognition boosters.” The strategy here is just to get people to try to recognize the right answer from a list of options.
The second phase of boosters should be sent about two weeks after the training and at this time you should send out “generative boosters.” In a generative booster, the learner does not just recognize the right answer from a list. Instead, they have to think about the topic and then create an answer out of their head.
The third phase of boosters should be sent about two months after the training, and at this time you should send out “integrative boosters.” An integrative booster again prompts the learner to retrieve the information, but this question specifically asks them to provide concrete examples of how they have made use of this information in their job.
Brain Science: Enable Your Brain to Remember Almost Everything | Learning Solutions Magazine