Connectivism: Learning as Network-Creation
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2006 | The Edublog Awards
absolutely intercultural!
visions2006 » The Web as Application
Teaching Hacks Wordpress Plugins
E-Learning: Connectivism: a new learning theory?
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Top 100 Education Blogs | OEDb
Resistance is useful: Thoughts concerning how to respectfully move teaching and learning online
10 Habits of Bloggers That Win!
Sloan-C Perspectives in Quality Online Education
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Solo and Social Learning in Online Courses
Interactive technologies for effective collaborative learning
Sloan-C Online Collaboration Principles
Teaching Online Journalism: Training citizens to be journalists
Blogging to Learn and Learning to Blog
A blog is more than a communication tool
Weblogg-ed » Assessing Blog Posts
USDLA - United States Distance Learning Association
Education World ® Technology Center: Tech Lesson of the Week
Rubric for Assessing Reflective Writing
Uses of Blogs in Education
Scored Discussion Rubric
Links to School Bloggers
Using Google Notebook, Google Reader, and Firefox
You can also limit who gets to view a notebook by selecting different email addresses. This could be beneficial in a classroom context, when a student just wants to share access to their notebook with a few partners and the teacher, but not the entire class or the world.
Overall, however, I am VERY impressed with the Google Notebook tool and the possibilities it presents! I think it has HUGE applications for educational research, particularly because it permits such easy harvesting of links, quotations, and images with the date and originating URL/website included in the notebook clipping.
Mimicking Proximity: The Role of Distance Education in Forming Communities of Learning
Educational Uses of Digital Storytelling
<a href="" target="_blank"><strong>aniel Meadows</strong></a> defines digital stories as "short, personal multimedia tales told from the heart." The beauty of this form of digital expression, he maintains is that these stories can be created by people everywhere, on any subject, and shared electronically all over the world. Meadows goes on to describe digital stories as "multimedia sonnets from the people"
Education Podcast Network