So Who Exactly IS Coming to Dinner? (Take the Survey) : Bump on the Blog
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Main Articles: 'New Schemas for Mapping Pedagogies and Technologies', Ariadne Issue 56
Schemas for categorizing the use of pedagogies, learning theories, and technologies. For example, Table 1 maps learning theories (behaviorism, cognitive constructivism, social constructivism, and situated learning) against types of technologies. Online communication tools offer more potential for social constructivist interaction and joint construction of knowledge.
This article also suggests a way to map tool use along three dimensions:
- Individual - Social
- Information - Experience
- Passive - Active This isn't a simple framework where a single tool always is used the same way. Blogs can be more social or more based on individual reflection, and could be at different places in that framework depending on the actual learning activities.
Brave New Classroom 2.0 (New Blog Forum) | Britannica Blog
Discussions pro and con about technology in the classroom, in response to this question: "Do the new classroom technologies represent an educational breakthrough, a threat to teaching itself, or something in between?" Michael Wesch and Steve Hargadon are two of the educators included in the discussion.
Bloom's Taxonomy Blooms Digitally, Andrew Churches
Connects levels on Bloom's taxonomy different types of actions with technology. For example, this categorizes tagging as an analysis skill, reflective blogging as an evaluation skill, and podcasting or animating as a creation skill.
21stcenturylearning - home
Sheryl Nussbaum-Beach's wiki with workshop and web 2.0 resources.