Web Teaching Articles: Taking discussion online
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Successful Synchronous and Asynchronous Discussions
Synchronous Learning Model over the Internet
Tremblay: Best Practices and Collaborative Software In Online Teaching
They focus group energy, they permit real-time interaction
(which can help develop group cohesion, especially for those less familiar with
media-based learning) and, most importantly, they provide a familiar instructional
environment that mimic many positive features found in the traditional classroom
environment (i.e., synchronicity, verbal rather than text-based interaction,
instructor presence, whiteboard presentation facilities, hand-raising for turn-taking,
public and private messaging capabilities).
Online Lectures: Benefits for the Virtual Classroom : August 2001 : THE Journal
Designer eLearning: Promoting Collaboration - Horton Summary
EDUCAUSE Quarterly | The Importance of Nonverbal Elements in Chat
Nonverbal communication adds nuance or richness of meaning that cannot be communicated by verbal elements alone. Given time and experience, some of the same richness of real-time, face-to-face communication can occur in a virtual, text-based medium.
Kapp Notes: Comparing 2D and 3D Synchronous Learning
Tips for Using Chat as an Instructional Tool
Taking the 'A' out of Asynchronous
Examples of colleges successfully using synchronous tools for office hours, student collaboration, and administrative work
Tips For Making Virtual Classroom Sessions More Interactive | Mobile Technology in TAFE
Ideas for making synchronous whiteboard sessions more interactive with labeling activities, wordsearch games, "wordstorms", partner activities, and polls/quizzes.
eLearn: Best Practices - Sound Your Best in Virtual Trainings
Tips for using your voice effectively in webinars or for recording audio for e-learning
How to Participate in a Twitter Chat Event : Synapse3Di
Nice overview of how to follow a Twitter chat event like #lrnchat
eLearn: Best Practices - Tips for Effective Webinars
Practical tips for webinars, mostly logistic issues that you might not think about if you're not used to presenting online
eLearn: Research Papers - Predictors of Success for Adult Online Learners: A Review of the Literature
Literature review on what makes online adult learners successful, including motivation and ability to self-regulate learning. A blend of synchronous & asynchronous learning is recommended by the author.
Four Steps to Effective Virtual Classroom Training by Ruth Clark : Learning Solutions Magazine
Four-step model by Ruth Clark on designing for synchronous online training via Elluminate etc. The article is from 2005 and has nothing earth shattering if you've been doing this a while, but it's a solid introduction to how to use the tools effectively and blend synchronous learning with other forms.
Case Study: Engaging Learners in the Synchronous Distance Environment by Kim Bahr & Rebecca Bodrero : Learning Solutions Magazine
Case study in how a F2F training program was adapted for online with Adobe Connect. This includes how they prepared the participants, adapted activities, engaged learners, supported with producers, and blended synchronous with asynchronous.
The problem with virtual training: instructional design, not distance — Online Collaboration
Interview with Janet Clarey responding to an article claiming you shouldn't even bother trying to do new hire orientation training virtually. As expected, Janet provides a thoughtful rebuttal, explaining that the problem with bad virtual training is that it's poorly designed, not that the technology is failing.
Keeping Participants' Attention In Global Virtual Classrooms - Learning Circuits - ASTD
Activity ideas for virtual instructor-led training
Learning Management & E-Learning Vendors (PDF)
Extensive list of vendors of learning management systems, authoring tools, virtual classrooms, courseware vendors, and more
Learning at the Speed of Life
ASTD article on the reinvention of the CSAP program