How to Politely Decline a LinkedIn Request Linked Intelligence
Imported from Diigo
Die, resume! Die! Die! Die! by The Bryper Blog
What is social media? A simple social media map « Donald H Taylor
5-minute slidecast on different types of social media, comparing content-focused and people-focused tools
Make LinkedIn Help You Find A Job -
Tips on using LinkedIn more effectively while job searching
Exposing LinkedIn Connection Myths – Part X | The LinkedIn Personal Trainer
Summary of a series of posts on LinkedIn connection myths, debunking the idea that indiscriminately connecting to thousands of people is valuable.
Is LinkedIn still relevant? | Technology Enhanced Learning Blog
David Hopkins asks if LinkedIn is still relevant when we have other social networks available. I still get value from LinkedIn, and I think it serves a different purpose than Facebook and Twitter.
7 Best Ways to Customize A “Connection Request” | J.T. O'Donnell | LinkedIn
I agree with the author that using the generic LinkedIn connection request comes off as lazy or at least clueless. I don't agree with everything else the author says (like marking everyone as a colleague even if you've never worked with them), but I appreciate the ideas and examples of how to customize invites in different ways.
Nothing screams, “I’m lazy,” more than an uncustomized request.