Imported from Diigo

#Storyline #html5
How To Choose An Authoring Tool For Your HTML eLearning Development | The Upside Learning Blog
How To Choose An Authoring Tool For Your HTML eLearning Development | The Upside Learning Blog
Comparison of Lectora, Storyline, and Captivate. Some good details I haven't seen elsewhere, like how each program loads the framework and content and how that affects performance. A few inaccuracies (you can still create a non-ADA compliant course in Lectora even if you check the 508 box, for example).
How To Choose An Authoring Tool For Your HTML eLearning Development | The Upside Learning Blog
Custom HTML5 timeline for Articulate Storyline 360
Custom HTML5 timeline for Articulate Storyline 360
Create a custom seekbar with a web object in Storyline. Only works for HTML5, not Flash. Download their widget for free and use it as a web object on any slide where you need a seekbar. Note: it's free, but you have to share the post on social media in order to download it.
Custom HTML5 timeline for Articulate Storyline 360