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Educational Uses of Digital Storytelling
Educational Uses of Digital Storytelling
<a href="" target="_blank"><strong>aniel Meadows</strong></a> defines digital stories as "short, personal multimedia tales told from the heart." The beauty of this form of digital expression, he maintains is that these stories can be created by people everywhere, on any subject, and shared electronically all over the world. Meadows goes on to describe digital stories as "multimedia sonnets from the people"
Educational Uses of Digital Storytelling
plugincinema - Interactive Storyboard exercise
plugincinema - Interactive Storyboard exercise
An interactive exercise where you create a story to go with the pictures in the storyboard, which change every time you load the page. It's a good way to show how the images alone aren't enough to explain the action in a storyboard; you have to have text and directions.
plugincinema - Interactive Storyboard exercise
Periodic Table of Storytelling
Periodic Table of Storytelling
Tropes for storytelling. The examples are primarily TV series, but this could be inspiration for e-learning stories too.
Periodic Table of Storytelling
Flipping the conversation at ElNet Workplace Learning Congress | Explorations in learning
Flipping the conversation at ElNet Workplace Learning Congress | Explorations in learning
Tanya Lau's detailed explanation of her presentation on "Flipping the conversation" to performance and performance support rather than focusing only on formal training content. Includes notes on how she recorded and edited video on her smartphone for the presentation. She gives credit to my post on "Selling Storytelling" as part of the inspiration for her presentation because of how I scripted conversation around business objectives and measurement.
Flipping the conversation at ElNet Workplace Learning Congress | Explorations in learning
Abstract of Study Related to Storytelling « Karl Kapp
Abstract of Study Related to Storytelling « Karl Kapp
In a comparison of narrative and expository format for video instruction, learners retained more information with the narrative format.
In a controlled experiment, participants listened to videotaped instruction presented in either narrative or expository form and presented at<br> either a normal or a moderately compressed rate. Results indicate a relationship between organization<br> and retention such that audience members retain more information when it is presented in a<br> narrative style and when it is presented at a normal presentation rate. Practically, the results suggest advantages for narrative form in the everyday practice of instructional communication.
Abstract of Study Related to Storytelling « Karl Kapp
How Do You Show Conversations in E-Learning?
How Do You Show Conversations in E-Learning?
Samples of different styles for conversations (comic book, text message, interactive conversations, pull quotes, etc.) Read the comments for additional examples. Most of the samples are in Storyline, but you could do similar actions in any tool.
How Do You Show Conversations in E-Learning?
Five reasons for scenario-based design
Five reasons for scenario-based design
Abstract of an article on scenario-based learning for teaching human-computer interaction. These five reasons could apply to other topics as well.
Scenario-based design of information technology addresses five technical challenges: scenarios evoke reflection in the content of design work, helping developers coordinate design action and reflection. Scenarios are at once concrete and flexible, helping developers manage the fluidity of design situations. Scenarios afford multiple views of an interaction, diverse kinds and amounts of detailing, helping developers manage the many consequences entailed by any given design move. Scenarios can also be abstracted and categorized, helping designers to recognize, capture and reuse generalizations and to address the challenge that technical knowledge often lags the needs of technical design. Finally, scenarios promote work-oriented communication among stakeholders, helping to make design activities more accessible to the great variety of expertise that can contribute to design, and addressing the challenge that external constraints designers and clients face often distract attention from the needs and concerns of the people who will use the technology.
Five reasons for scenario-based design