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20 must-have Firefox extensions
20 must-have Firefox extensions
Whether you're looking for more streamlined surfing, improved look and feel, cool design tools or serious Web development help, there's something (and more than likely several things) here for you.
20 must-have Firefox extensions
Search for music by singing or humming part of a song. All you need is a microphone.
Scholar360 - Learner Management System and Integrated Peer Network
Scholar360 - Learner Management System and Integrated Peer Network
The Scholar360 Network Learning Environment integrates the best features of a learning management system with the best features of a social network. Instructors can teach online courses, dialog with students via discussion boards and blogs, manage automated tests, lessons and grading. Students can share files, build an eportfolio, blog, build a peer and mentor network.
Scholar360 - Learner Management System and Integrated Peer Network