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#tools #lms
Scholar360 - Learner Management System and Integrated Peer Network
Scholar360 - Learner Management System and Integrated Peer Network
The Scholar360 Network Learning Environment integrates the best features of a learning management system with the best features of a social network. Instructors can teach online courses, dialog with students via discussion boards and blogs, manage automated tests, lessons and grading. Students can share files, build an eportfolio, blog, build a peer and mentor network.
Scholar360 - Learner Management System and Integrated Peer Network
Content Migrations: Options, Strategies and Faux Pas
Content Migrations: Options, Strategies and Faux Pas
Collection of articles about content migration. Even though this is about general CMS migrations and not specific to e-learning, most of this is relevant to e-learning and converting from one LMS to another. The summary of points to take away seems very true: we can't expect perfect automated migration, and we have to anticipate that content will change.
<li>Plan, plan, plan</li> <li>Look into automated and semi-automated, but don’t expect miracles</li> <li>Inventory first</li> <li>Never migrate content as is — always expect changes</li> <li>Keep metadata top of mind</li> <li>Consider outsourcing for the simple tasks like cutting and pasting</li>
Content Migrations: Options, Strategies and Faux Pas
Social Networks in Action - Learning Networks @ UOW
Social Networks in Action - Learning Networks @ UOW
Tool to analyze forum conversations in an LMS, create network diagrams, and identify behavior patterns.
SNAPP uses information on who posted and replied to whom, and what major discussions were about, and how expansive they were, to analyse the interactions of a forum and display it in a Social Network Diagram.
Social Networks in Action - Learning Networks @ UOW