The Best Web 2.0 Software of 2006
Imported from Diigo
Inspirational Teenager « HeyJude
The Ed Techie: The VLE/LMS is dead
e-Learning Reloaded: Top 50 Web 2.0 Tools for Info Junkies, Researchers & Students | OEDb
Collection of 50 Web 2.0 tools in categories: organization, bookmarks & citation, communication, money & numbers, search, & learning. From OEDb (Online Education Database)
Free Scheduling Software | Integrate Outlook, Google Calendar & Exchange Availability - TimeBridge
Scheduling tool--have people indicate what times work for them and this automatically finds a match for everyone, notifies them, and updates your calendar
Cool Cat Teacher Blog: 38 Birthday presents from CoolCatTeacher to you!
Vicki Davis shares 38 online tools that she uses
Tool for liveblogging that is actually live--it works like typing an instant message. The app sits in an iframe, which means it can't be embedded in Wordpress or Edublogs, but it does work in a wiki. Also allows for reader comments--could be interesting for doing an interview or discussion and recording it for others to view.
Create a timeline by adding each event manually or by adding a source (Flickr, RSS, twitter, etc.) Images, music, and video can be included in events. Related services include Tickr, which lets you create a dynamic timeline with Flickr images based on search criteria, and TimeTube, which does the same for YouTube. Some people are playing with this as a way to visualize the river of information from the Connectivism course (CCK08) this fall.
authorSTREAM Online PowerPoint Presentations and Slideshow Sharing
Similar to Slideshare, this site lets you upload PowerPoint presentations for online sharing. However, this site also allows conversion to Flash while keeping all transitions and animations. - interactive charts online!
Lots of types of charts: pie, bar, line, radar, timeline, maps. Licensed CC-By so OK for pretty much any use.
CogDogRoo - StoryTools
Over 50 tools for digital storytelling, categorized by tool type
14 Best Google Doc Tricks « WeirdGuy
Tips and tricks for working more effectively with Google Docs
Online Portfolio Tools
Helen Barrett recreated her portfolio in over 30 online tools. This page includes samples and instructions for some of the more successful tools.
Best Online Collaboration Tools 2009 - Robin Good's Collaborative Map - MindMeister Mind Map
Mind map of online collaboration tools
21stcenturylearning - home
Sheryl Nussbaum-Beach's wiki with workshop and web 2.0 resources.
Head in the Clouds? Ten Free Web 2.0 Tools to Support Faculty Research - Faculty Focus | Faculty Focus
Tools for creating bibliographies, organizing research, and planning