Getting Started with Videogame Development : November 2007 : THE Journal
Imported from Diigo
The Ed Techie: The VLE/LMS is dead
HTML color converter. Convert HEX mode to RGB code. hexadecimal color chooser
Compare numerous wiki platforms, including Wikispaces, Wetpaint, & PBwiki. Also includes a wizard for helping you choose a wiki.
Drape's Takes: Surveys Via Google Spreadsheets
How to create surveys using Google Spreadsheets
Feature: Ten Must-Have Plug-ins to Power Up Pidgin
Tips for Pidgin IM, some with standard plugins, some you have to download.
e-Learning Reloaded: Top 50 Web 2.0 Tools for Info Junkies, Researchers & Students | OEDb
Collection of 50 Web 2.0 tools in categories: organization, bookmarks & citation, communication, money & numbers, search, & learning. From OEDb (Online Education Database)
ArtRage 2
Painting program, free and paid versions, with great looking brushes and tools. Paint blends with other colors and has texture like actual paint.
The Bamboo Project Blog: Guide to Using Free Tools to Create an Online Portfolio
6 steps to create your online portfolio (something I really should start working on one of these days)
Streamline It Part I: Diigo or Bust : Metanoia
Side-by-side comparison of Diigo,, and Zotero from someone who was using all of them but decided to switch to just Diigo. While admitting that this is the right personal choice, he's not convinced about whether it's the right choice for schools to introduce social bookmarking.
Lifehacker Code: Texter (Windows)
Lifehacker app for text replacement. Use for common phrases like your sig line
Free Scheduling Software | Integrate Outlook, Google Calendar & Exchange Availability - TimeBridge
Scheduling tool--have people indicate what times work for them and this automatically finds a match for everyone, notifies them, and updates your calendar
Cool Cat Teacher Blog: 38 Birthday presents from CoolCatTeacher to you!
Vicki Davis shares 38 online tools that she uses
How To Effectively Manage Your Comments on Other People’s Blogs | Mobile Technology in TAFE
Directions for setting up and using co.mments. Anyone who is having trouble with coComment should check this out as an alternative comment tracker.
Mnemograph: Web Based Timeline Software
Free tool to create online Flash-based interactive timelines.
14 “OTHER” Ways to Use RSS Feeds |
Essentially a list of applications that use RSS--forward emails to RSS, create widgets, send reminders to RSS, etc.
Open Source Living
Directory of open source software applications, sorted by function. Includes a tag search function.
Tool for liveblogging that is actually live--it works like typing an instant message. The app sits in an iframe, which means it can't be embedded in Wordpress or Edublogs, but it does work in a wiki. Also allows for reader comments--could be interesting for doing an interview or discussion and recording it for others to view.
Generate color schemes from Flickr images, your own images, or websites. Tag schemes with something unique so you can find them again.
Five Amazing Color Palette Generators - ReadWriteWeb
5 color palette generators in the post, but more in the comments.
Content Migrations: Options, Strategies and Faux Pas
Collection of articles about content migration. Even though this is about general CMS migrations and not specific to e-learning, most of this is relevant to e-learning and converting from one LMS to another. The summary of points to take away seems very true: we can't expect perfect automated migration, and we have to anticipate that content will change.
<li>Plan, plan, plan</li>
<li>Look into automated and semi-automated, but don’t expect miracles</li>
<li>Inventory first</li>
<li>Never migrate content as is — always expect changes</li>
<li>Keep metadata top of mind</li>
<li>Consider outsourcing for the simple tasks like cutting and pasting</li>
Create a timeline by adding each event manually or by adding a source (Flickr, RSS, twitter, etc.) Images, music, and video can be included in events. Related services include Tickr, which lets you create a dynamic timeline with Flickr images based on search criteria, and TimeTube, which does the same for YouTube. Some people are playing with this as a way to visualize the river of information from the Connectivism course (CCK08) this fall. Games for Education
Free games, tools, and graphic organizers, including a Venn Diagram, priority chart, timeline, and timer. You can create your own casual games with questions, like a word game based on "Space Invaders."
Voicethread 4 Education » home
Wiki collection of resources and examples for using Voicethread for education purposes. Also includes some best practices and professional development examples.
Test your web design in different browsers - Browsershots
Enter your URL and see screenshots in numerous browsers. The service is free, but pictures expire about 30 minutes after you make a request. It's fine for a quick check, but be sure to save the images locally if you need them long term. Nice way to test what your pages look like in, say, Linux even if you don't have that available.
Harold Jarche » Selecting Social Network Platforms
Describes several smaller social network platforms with some pluses and minuses, including Ning,, Buddy Press, and Elgg.
K12 Online Conference 2008 | Getting Started “Free Tools for Universal Design for Learning in Literacy”
Presentation on tools for accessibility and universal design to help improve literacy, focusing on learning disabilities (at least in the two examples). All the tools noted are free. Even though this is geared mainly towards face-to-face teachers, many of these tools can be used for e-learning too.
ZaidLearn: 8 Free Screencasting Tools For Tony!
Tony Karrer bumped into his limit for a free Jing account, so he asked for other free tools. Zaid Ali Alsagoff provides some options to check out.
SpeEdChange: Toolbelt Theory for Everyone
Ira Socol's "Toolbelt Theory," the idea that we all need tools to help us survive in the the world, and every individual needs a different set of tools. The is a broader idea than just accessibility; it's about giving all learners control of their own tools to find what works best for them.
How will your students communicate when they leave school? How will they gather information? How will they say what they need to say?
The thing about toolbelts though, is that no two people ever really need the same one.
So the trick to tool use is to learn to evaluate tasks and environments and your skills and the tools themselves as they change and determine what works best for you. I call this the "TEST" - <span style="font-weight: bold;">T</span>ask - <span style="font-weight: bold;">E</span>nvironment - <span style="font-weight: bold;">S</span>kills - <span style="font-weight: bold;">T</span>ools, a specifically ordered reframing of <a href="">Joy Zabala</a>'s "<a href="">SETT</a>" protocol. A specifically ordered reframing designed for self-determination.
And on top of this, the tools most schools are devoted to are antiques which serve few functions anywhere outside of school. It is as if you were learning to build homes but were allowed to use only tools invented before 1940. You'd be close to unemployable when you finished that training.
The only way to allow students to assemble this essential toolbelt for information and communication is to to throw open your classroom and let the world in. How will your students know which calendar works for them - the one on their phone, Google Calendar with SMS appointment texting, Microsoft Outlook, or any of a dozen paper systems unless you allow them to try them out?
Collaboration Tools : eLearning Technology
Text version and list of tools for screen sharing, VOIP, video conferencing, web conferencing, multimedia presentations, file sharing, and more. The mind map version might be easier to understand than the text list, but having the list as a starting point for your own research is nice.