The Right Is Destroying Our Freedom and the Left Is Letting It Happen | Novara Media
The Class Character of the Expansion of COVID-19 - The Bullet
Planet farm
Capitalism, class and Covid. Part 1: The issues at stake for working people.
Take the Vaccine. Reject anti-Science Vaxxers, Rightists, Conspiracy Theories
Competing with Nature: COVID-19 as a Capitalist Virus – Spectre Journal
Robert Brenner, Escalating Plunder, NLR 123, May–June 2020
How microbes write history by Charles Mann
Call revolt solidarity coronavirus
Infectious Optimism
It might take a while before history starts again
Speculations on Post-Covid America
The Climate Crisis and COVID-19 Are Inseparable
Teaching Marx in a Pandemic
Salt in the Wound
Ten Aphorisms on Capitalism, Covid-19, and the Climate Crisis
Out of the Belly of Hell: COVID-19 and the humanisation of globalisation
The Lunacy of Global Seafood Supply Chains
Peru Passes Coronavirus Risk to the Working Class (disponible en español)
Strikes erupt as US essential workers demand protection amid pandemic
There is revolution in the air now, but history shows the old order will fight back | Nesrine Malik
Eli Zaretsky | Culling the Herd: A Modest Proposal · LRB 14 May 2020
Iran and the U.S., An Irony of Curious Affinity
Gavin Smith: Rereading Marx on machines in the time of COVID-19
How Capitalism and Other Viruses Are Ravaging the Global South
Opinion | The Masked Versus the Unmasked
What history teaches us about the coronavirus pandemic
Perú en el espejo de la pandemia coronavirus
"Aquí termina Lima"
Beyond the plague state