Public Monkeydom

Public Monkeydom

Custom sorting
cube composer
cube composer
map reduce game
cube composer
FFmpeg - Ultimate Guide | IMG.LY Blog
FFmpeg - Ultimate Guide | IMG.LY Blog
This guide covers the ins and outs of FFmpeg starting with fundamental concepts and moving to media transcoding and video and audio processing providing practical examples along the way.
FFmpeg - Ultimate Guide | IMG.LY Blog
Free Mac screenshot app that allows you to zoom in, measure things and pick colors.
Excalidraw is a whiteboard tool that lets you easily sketch diagrams that have a hand-drawn feel to them.
Even Swiftier Objective-C | Inside PSPDFKit
Even Swiftier Objective-C | Inside PSPDFKit
Another fascinating WWDC is behind us. This year we again witnessed a whole host of newly presented features and refinements to the Swift language, now already in its fourth installment. It’s great to see how the language has progressed over the last couple years. Unfortunately, since binary compatibility has been delayed further (at least there’s a Manifesto now), and module stability is still even further away, we are unable to use Swift in our binary PSPDFKit SDK. However, we do use it for our tests and in PDF Viewer . If you write a new app in 2017, you should use Swift. Though there ma...
Even Swiftier Objective-C | Inside PSPDFKit
Hexagonal Grids
Hexagonal Grids
Guide to math, algorithms, and code for hexagonal grids in games
Hexagonal Grids
Hex diagram labels
Hex diagram labels
Game development tutorials, especially pathfinding, hexagons, and procedural generation
Hex diagram labels