Caroline Dussuel is a 23-year-old french creative whose main focus is on humans and their particularities. Her curiosity for sociology and psychology brought her to experience different urban and alte…
Orbit uses Natural Language Processing and Artificial Intelligence to enhance your content. It reads texts and extracts mentions of concepts, terms and entities. Orbit matches these to external knowle…
La Maison de Santé Pantinoise et son équipe vous accueille 6J/7 : médecins généralistes, infirmières, sage femmes, échographie, psychologue et ostéopathe :)
Explore the top Modular Homes of 2019 for sale. Dwellito is a modular home marketplace featuring over 45 modern Prefab designs. Browse by design, floorplan, bedroom count, price range, and more!
La Permanence - Espace de travail ouvert 24h/24 et 7j/7 à Paris
Le coworking le moins cher de France pour les étudiants, freelances et entrepreneurs. Dites adieu aux bibliothèques bondées et au coworking hors de prix !
Umbrella is the easy, trusted way to care for your home. Umbrella helps people 65+ stay and live in their own homes by connecting them with community members to help with everyday home chores and main…
We are a contemporary design studio that creates brands, products, and experiences through exceptional design and reliable research. We admire simplicity, communication and focused process. In additio…