A documentary film that follows the transformation of a nation from a colonial outpost to a vibrant and multicultural society, through the lens of graphic design.
Athem est un atelier de scénographie urbaine spécialisé dans la mise en valeur et l’habillage de lieux et édifices, ainsi que la création et la réalisation de spectacles lumière.
Roadstr: Location Voiture Ancienne - Location Voiture de Collection
Roadstr : service de location de voiture ancienne et Location de voiture de collection. Les Plus Belles Location de voitures entre particulier - Assurance tous risques Incluse et Paiement sécurisé. Louez maintenant !
We’re a craft beer brewery nestled just west of the burgeoning Brooklyn District in sunny Jacksonville, Florida, with a passion for brewing session-able beers with flavors inspired by our Hispanic her…
Linear lets you manage software development and track bugs. Linear's streamlined design is built for speed and efficiency — helping high performing teams accomplish great things.
Sheet1 Title,Authors,Type,Status,Link,# citations,Key points An Empirical Study of Gamification Impact on E-Learning Environment,Amriani, A., Aji, A. F., Utomo, A. Y., & Junus, K. M. (2013, October),E…
Curated — Directory of design knowledge for product people
Curated finds you the best design knowledge you need to learn in your day-to-day job. It's like a directory of links gathered in one place. With that data, Curated gives you an idea of what you need t…
Okalpha is a detail-focused animation and motion design studio. We conceptualise, direct and produce still or moving imagery for a wide range of digital mediums.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) app: Quirk for iOS
Quirk is a Cognitive Behavioral Therapy app for iOS. It doesn't assume that you're using it particularly for depression, which could make it useful other conditions such as panic disorder, grief, OCD,…