Found 1742 bookmarks
IBM Plex
IBM Plex
IBM Plex™ is our new typeface. It’s global, it’s versatile, and it’s distinctly IBM.
IBM Plex
SONIA RYKIEL | Site et E-shop Officiel
SONIA RYKIEL | Site et E-shop Officiel
SONIA RYKIEL - Découvrez la Pré-collection Printemps-Eté 2018 Sonia Rykiel : Maille, Veste, Pantalon, Sac, Bijoux
SONIA RYKIEL | Site et E-shop Officiel
Downtown Chicago's #1 Museum
Downtown Chicago's #1 Museum
Located downtown by Millennium Park, this top art museum is TripAdvisor's #1 Chicago attraction—a must when visiting the city.
Downtown Chicago's #1 Museum
TTP – The Technology Partnership
TTP – The Technology Partnership
TTP, The Technology Partnership, is a company where scientists and engineers invent, design and develop new products and technologies. Explore how we use science and engineering to bring value to our …
TTP – The Technology Partnership
Alexandre Bommelaer
Alexandre Bommelaer
Alexandre Bommelaer est directeur et fait partie de l’équipe Stratégie du studio de Paris. AREA 17 est une agence interactive basée à Paris et New York
Alexandre Bommelaer
AREA 17 - Awwwards
AREA 17 - Awwwards
AREA 17 is a digital product agency with studios in Paris and New York. We plan, create and grow digital products for clients of all sizes.
AREA 17 - Awwwards
Threesided Creative :)
Threesided Creative :)
Threesided Creative is a team of artists and developers helping bring amazing creative projects to life in the Greater Toronto Area
Threesided Creative :)
KIKK 2019
KIKK 2019
International festival of digital & creative cultures exploring the crossovers between art, science and technology: creative coding, art, web & design, AI, dataviz, storytelling, research, UX.
KIKK 2019
Latest Articles
Latest Articles
The Information has a simple mission: deliver important, deeply reported stories about the technology business you won’t find elsewhere. Many of the most influential people in the industry turn to us for fresh information and original insight.
Latest Articles
Studio de design graphique et web basé à Nantes, spécialisé dans la réalisation d'identités de marque et la conception de sites sur-mesure.
Visions - A Literary Science Fiction Magazine
Visions - A Literary Science Fiction Magazine
Visions blends essays and short stories from both masters of the genre and newcomers to paint a provocative landscape of the future that connoisseur and neophyte alike can enjoy and reflect on.
Visions - A Literary Science Fiction Magazine
Sylvain Theyssens · Freelance Design Director
Sylvain Theyssens · Freelance Design Director
I’m a freelance Design Director with a focus on product design, branding, experience and design systems. I both directed and worked hands-on for Google, Marriott, Facebook, Twitter, Spotify and fast-moving start-ups. Everything I do has a motion twist.
Sylvain Theyssens · Freelance Design Director
Real Estate Transaction Management and Settlement Software | Qualia
Real Estate Transaction Management and Settlement Software | Qualia
Qualia is the real estate industry’s leading title, closing, and escrow platform, bringing lenders, title companies, consumers, realtors, and all other transaction participants together into one secur…
Real Estate Transaction Management and Settlement Software | Qualia
Nous sommes une agence qui produit des idées, qui aime le design bien fait et les projets qui roulent, depuis 2010.
French Designers Club
French Designers Club
French Designers Club - Communauté de designers francophones sur Slack / Slack community of french designers
French Designers Club
Friends of The Web
Friends of The Web
Friends of The Web designs and develops custom web and mobile applications with Ruby on Rails, React, Solidus, and Swift.
Friends of The Web
Der Bunt: Color Harmonies (Alpha 1.1)
Der Bunt: Color Harmonies (Alpha 1.1)
Todo: - Optimise for touch - 3d view of color distribution in different color spaces - contrast ratio from selected color to all other colors - save & ...
Der Bunt: Color Harmonies (Alpha 1.1)