A documentary film that follows the transformation of a nation from a colonial outpost to a vibrant and multicultural society, through the lens of graphic design.
Roadstr: Location Voiture Ancienne - Location Voiture de Collection
Roadstr : service de location de voiture ancienne et Location de voiture de collection. Les Plus Belles Location de voitures entre particulier - Assurance tous risques Incluse et Paiement sécurisé. Louez maintenant !
We’re a craft beer brewery nestled just west of the burgeoning Brooklyn District in sunny Jacksonville, Florida, with a passion for brewing session-able beers with flavors inspired by our Hispanic her…
Linear lets you manage software development and track bugs. Linear's streamlined design is built for speed and efficiency — helping high performing teams accomplish great things.
Sheet1 Title,Authors,Type,Status,Link,# citations,Key points An Empirical Study of Gamification Impact on E-Learning Environment,Amriani, A., Aji, A. F., Utomo, A. Y., & Junus, K. M. (2013, October),E…
Curated — Directory of design knowledge for product people
Curated finds you the best design knowledge you need to learn in your day-to-day job. It's like a directory of links gathered in one place. With that data, Curated gives you an idea of what you need t…
Okalpha is a detail-focused animation and motion design studio. We conceptualise, direct and produce still or moving imagery for a wide range of digital mediums.