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Dating apps are more dangerous than you think
Dating apps are more dangerous than you think
Meeting people in real life is hard, maybe harder these days than ever before. When you meet someone in real life and want to ask them on a date, you’re taking a big risk. And we’re all hyper-aware of that risk, well, most of us. The odd thing about this is that even with all of their issues, dating apps seem to work.
Dating apps are more dangerous than you think
When Love and the Algorithm Don’t Mix
When Love and the Algorithm Don’t Mix
When I met my husband, who happens to be white, he told me that he was always seeing women with blonde hair on Tinder and he’s not really into blondes. No matter how many times he had swiped left on blondes, the algorithms were always recommending them to him, presumably because pop culture dictates that white men prefer blondes.
When Love and the Algorithm Don’t Mix
How Modern Dating Is Destroying Us
How Modern Dating Is Destroying Us
Ever feel like modern dating is just... well, a hot mess? Let's talk about modern dating and all its craziness. From dealing with the endless dating problems to figuring out why modern dating is destroying us
How Modern Dating Is Destroying Us