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Mission of the Institute
Mission of the Institute
The International Institute of Love Studies is an educational and scientific organization incorporated in the State of Michigan, USA. The Institute serves a global community of scholars interested in the study of love. The Institute showcases the most recent research on love from around the world.
Mission of the Institute
South Korea’s Radical Solution to Asia’s Birth Rate Crisis
South Korea’s Radical Solution to Asia’s Birth Rate Crisis
South Korea is facing a demographic time bomb. The nation is grappling with the world’s lowest fertility rate and a rapidly aging population, which threaten its very future. The unfolding crisis mirrors a global trend that’s hitting East Asia hardest, forcing a reckoning between tradition and modern day realities for women. The choices South Korea makes now might provide a path for others to follow.
South Korea’s Radical Solution to Asia’s Birth Rate Crisis
Simon Sinek & Trevor Noah on Friendship, Loneliness, Vulnerability, and More | Full Conversation
Simon Sinek & Trevor Noah on Friendship, Loneliness, Vulnerability, and More | Full Conversation
Simon and Trevor also discuss the loneliness epidemic among young men and its link to dangerous ideologies, and why teaching the value of true friendship could change society. Watch as they share stories and insights that will inspire you to nurture your friendships and live a more balanced life.
Simon Sinek & Trevor Noah on Friendship, Loneliness, Vulnerability, and More | Full Conversation