This innovative video game can sense your emotions and respond accordingly
VideoContext: An experimental HTML5 & WebGL video composition and rendering API.
Perceptive Media – Adaptive Storytelling for Digital Broadcast
Web Bluetooth Community Group
Kurt Vonnegut on the Shapes of Stories
Hedonometer - Happiness in Story books
On the pulse: Edinburgh show influenced by audience's heartbeats | Stage | The Guardian
Device and Sensors Working Group - W3C
Limitless ltd's Gary the Gull VR experience
BBC / For Your Eyes Only – Contagious Communications
Massive Attack / Massively Personalised Remixes – Contagious Communications
Perceptive Media: Ian Forrester TEDxBristol - YouTube
Edit Decision Lists in Mplayer (EDL)
The HartChart visual story mapping tool
Observations on film art
Chat Mapper
Nevigo | Overview
Interactive Filmmaking Round Up Report
ink - inkle's narrative scripting language
Netflix to trial technology that hands control to viewers | Daily Mail Online
Kinoautomat - Wikipedia
S3A Spatial Audio
Private traits and attributes are predictable from digital records of human behavior
The Rise Of The ARG: games™ investigates alternate reality games and what the future has in store for the curious experiment. | Joseph Matheny : ars est celare artem
Joseph Matheny - Wikipedia
Perceptive Media: Ian Forrester TEDxBristol - YouTube
Take This Lollipop (The Sequel) by Jason Zada — Kickstarter – Home of the fanedits