Illustrations for BBC R&D’s Perceptive Media Demo: Breaking Out | Angie Chan · Freelance Designer Illustrator Manchester · Graphic Web Illustration · Blog
Breaking Out from the Developers
ICT - BBC R&D’s “Perceptive Media” - more innovative than YouView? - Articles - Open Innovation
BBC R&D: Perceptive Media “Breaking Out”
BBC Creates Broadcast Content Tailored To Individuals’ Social Data - PSFK
The BBC is Experimenting with Perceptive Media
"Perceptive Media": A 2012 BBC innovation
[TEChBrits] WP8, BBC Perceptive, Six3, Mac on iPad? - YouTube
The BBC is experimenting with Perceptive Media, and it could transform TV forever « Television, The Way I See It…
Very early stage thinking around Perceptive Media |
happyworm/PerceptiveMedia · GitHub
Cambridge software improves quality of sound for hearing aid users – Cambridge Enterprise
Stanford Has a Videogame Controller That Knows if You’re Bored | Re/code
Face Recognition Study - FAQ
Alessandro Acquisti: Why privacy matters - YouTube
radiodan/radiodan · GitHub
AudioMedia: Audio: The next generation
BBC News - The headband that measures boredom
Perceptive media: machine perception and human computer interaction
Pepper robot to go on sale to public in Japan - BBC News
Will our emotions change the way adverts work? - BBC News
BBC Radio 4 You And Yours on Perceptive Radio
The BBC is testing TV shows that adapt to your personality
bbcrd visual perceptive media project
BBC testing films that are personalised to each viewer | TechRadar
BBC experiments with video personalized to every viewer
Beyond Red | Watching you, watching me
BBC experimenting with smart shows that adapt to your personality | Daily Mail Online
'Personalised BBC' can algorithmically pander to your prejudices • The Register
Nothing will be the same again — BBC’s Visual Perceptive Media project will end the shared story… — Medium