BBC Perceptive Media | The Real Geeks

Perceptive media
[TEChBrits] WP8, BBC Perceptive, Six3, Mac on iPad? - YouTube
The BBC is experimenting with Perceptive Media, and it could transform TV forever « Television, The Way I See It…
Very early stage thinking around Perceptive Media |
Perceptive Media el futuro está en la televisión personalizable - Blodico
“Perceptive Media”: el futuro está en la televisión personalizable
ifttt / Missing link
MirriAd » Digital Product Placement
MIT Media Laboratory Perceptual Computing Technical Report No.
The Diamond Age - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Psycho Siri - YouTube
The BBC is Experimenting with Perceptive Media
ifttt / Missing link
Vodafone YouRockstar | Picture Recognition & Video Mash Up | Mobile Inc
Facebook Connect Used For Fight Club Promo Site
I Am A Swedish Hero | EPIC Viral Campaign by Radiotjanst | Mobile Inc
In a Mood? Call Center Agents Can Tell -
The Narrative Braid: A Model for Tackling The Narrative Paradox in Adaptive Documentaries
A new challenge to books - stories that follow you into the real world | Books | The Guardian
happyworm/PerceptiveMedia · GitHub
Perceptive Media | 2013 Digital Trends
What is Perceptive Media? - Big Dot Media
Facing up to your finances - Business - NZ Herald News
Cambridge software improves quality of sound for hearing aid users – Cambridge Enterprise
Toyota to Unveil Color-Changing, Mood-Reading Car at Tokyo Show - Businessweek
PLUX Biosignals
funf | Open Sensing Framework
Age of Context with Robert Scoble, Shel Israel, Guy Kawasaki, Shawn Welch, and Peg Fitzpatrick - YouTube
British Airways Billboards Interact With Their Planes Overhead - PSFK