When Algorithms Grow Accustomed to Your Face - NYTimes.com

Perceptive media
Drinkspiration by ABSOLUT
Apple’s New Patent Will Target You With Ads According To Your Mood [Patent] | Cult of Mac
Sense and sensorbility
Penny Arcade - Sight Beyond Sight
S.A.M. The Safety Attention Monitor
Apple seeks patent for mood-sensing technology • The Register
Facebook - A Look Back
Why Is Apple Building Mood Sensors? ⚙ Co.Labs ⚙ code + community
Moments of innovation
Netflix engineers experiment with bump-based video sharing and sleep tracking
Nevermind: A Biofeedback Horror Adventure Game by Erin Reynolds — Kickstarter
Car camera system knows when you have road rage (Wired UK)
Nadav Aharony, Recorded on 3/13/12 TheAssociatedPress on USTREAM. World News
‘Thinking’ music speaker changes mood with a twist and learns users’ tastes | Springwise
Stanford Has a Videogame Controller That Knows if You’re Bored | Re/code
Face Recognition Study - FAQ
Alessandro Acquisti: Why privacy matters - YouTube
radiodan/radiodan · GitHub
Cisco Launches Connected Billboard in San Francisco | BtoB - Advertising Age
AudioMedia: Audio: The next generation
AurelioDeRosa/HTML5-API-demos · GitHub
BBC News - The headband that measures boredom
Fables: Dynamic Narration for Cinema
#Scanners by Richard Ramchurn — Kickstarter
Same Video, Different Song: How Music Guides Perception
Analogue branching narrative
Smile TV works only when you smile / by @_davidhedberg
Detecting Pulse From Head Motions in Video - YouTube
Example of the BA Perceptive Ad