A ‘Public Service Internet’—Reclaiming the Public Service Mission
BBC News - Microsoft investigates 'phantom' Windows Phone 7 data
A manifesto for Data Literacy | TEST
BBC News - A Point of View: The ethics of the driverless car
Tomorrow's cities - the lamp-posts watching every move - BBC News
BBC News - Dating apps found 'leaking' location data
BBC News - Is your toaster a silent recruit in a 'thingbot' army?
BBC News - What price for free wi-fi?
BBC - iWonder - When did the state start to spy on us?
Brain's activity map makes stable 'fingerprint'
When Big Data becomes Big Brother - BBC News
Will you tell Starbucks your name? - BBC News
Facebook blocks Admiral's car insurance discount plan - BBC News
Cheating Frenchman sues Uber for tipping off wife about affair - BBC News
BBC - Autos - How connected car tech is eroding personal privacy
How Facebook's tentacles reach further than you think - BBC News
Starbucks cafe's wi-fi made computers mine crypto-currency - BBC News
Tomorrow’s BBC will be fitted to your personality | openDemocracy
BBC R&D explores idea of a ‘Public Service Internet’ – Digital TV Europe
Building A Public Service Internet - BBC R&D
The Partnership on AI
BBC Box personal cloud aims to rewrite the rules on internet privacy - SlashGear
Can Gen Z break free from social media addiction? - BBC News - YouTube
The BBC’s radical new data plan takes aim at Netflix | WIRED UK
me-box/databox: Databox container manager and dashboard server
The BBC’s new personalised data service - PublicSpaces
Why the BBC does not want to store your data - BBC News
Policy in Practice Fund: An internet optimised for human values – NGI
BBC NEWS | Technology | Why the BBC has invested in iCan
Tim Berners-Lee and the BBC stage in data privacy project • The Register