What is limitarianism? Professor Ingrid Robeyns explains
A manifesto for Data Literacy | TEST
BBC News - A Point of View: The ethics of the driverless car
Terms And Conditions May Apply (2013) on Vimeo
'Internet of things' data should be 'treated as personal data', say privacy watchdogs
I’m Terrified of My New Smart TV
Tomorrow's cities - the lamp-posts watching every move - BBC News
were all going to need clothes from doc searls
Everything We Know About Facebook's Secret Mood Manipulation Experiment - The Atlantic
Immersive journalism: The future of reporting or an ethical minefield? | Alphr
About the project | Charting the Digital Lifespan
Algorithm writers need a code of conduct | Comment is free | The Guardian
CDT and Fitbit Report on Best Privacy Practices for R&D in the Wearables Industry | Center for Democracy & Technology
Databox Project – EPSRC Project on Privacy-Aware Personal Data Platform
Scientists Are Just as Confused About the Ethics of Big-Data Research as You | WIRED
Facebook changes story, now says phone location not used to recommend friends | Fusion
Why does Google think most happy families are white?
[1607.06520] Man is to Computer Programmer as Woman is to Homemaker? Debiasing Word Embeddings
New AI can guess whether you're gay or straight from a photograph
AI Principles - Future of Life Institute
South Park trolled Amazon Echo owners in the best way possible | TechCrunch
Troy Hunt: What Would It Look Like If We Put Warnings on IoT Devices Like We Do Cigarette Packets?
"I Agree": Visualizing terms of service with long scrolls of colored paper / Boing Boing
TV plots altered by our individual data - our viewing future? | Reuters.com
Why People Self-Track: Research on the Motivations Behind the Quantified Self and Self-Trackers - Minding the Borderlands
Facebook attacked over app that reveals period dates of its users | Technology | The Guardian
Smart speaker recordings reviewed by humans - BBC News
Good On You - Sustainable and Ethical Fashion Brand Ratings
Mozilla Rally