Help! My fridge is full of spam and so is my router, set-top box and console
Google's Project Tango reveals location-aware phone | Technology |
Lightbeam for Firefox — Mozilla
Security Challenges in the IP-Based IoT
Security Considerations in the IP-based Internet of Things
Enough of the Cloud Already, What Is Next for Enterprise Technology? | Richie Etwaru
Myo - Gesture control armband by Thalmic Labs
Tech Weekly podcast | Technology |
The internet of things - the next big challenge to our privacy | Technology |
The Internet of Things Is the Hackers’ New Playground | Re/code
Why the internet of things could destroy the welfare state | Technology | The Observer
'Internet of things' data should be 'treated as personal data', say privacy watchdogs
Dubai police will use facial recognition and Google Glass to look for wanted criminals.
New York City unveils the pay phone of the future—and it does a whole lot more than make phone calls - The Washington Post
Ai Weiwei is Living in Our Future — Medium
BBC News - Dating apps found 'leaking' location data
Big Mother Is Watching You: The Track-Everything Revolution Is Here Whether You Want It Or Not - BuzzFeed News
Coming soon: Murder by Internet | Computerworld
Do You Know What Your Mobile Is Doing Behind Your Back? | Londonist
Here comes the 'Internet of Self' | Computerworld
How dating app Grindr makes it easy to stalk 5 million gay men | Ars Technica
If TiVo Thinks You Are Gay, Here's How to Set It Straight - WSJ
Indoor Location Technology Uses Wi-Fi to Track Shoppers | MIT Technology Review
redecentralize/alternative-internet · GitHub
The future of wearable technology is not wearables – it's analysing the data | Technology | The Guardian
Your refrigerator probably hasn't joined a botnet - Boing Boing
'Overnight, everything I loved was gone': the internet shaming of Lindsey Stone | Technology | The Guardian
BBC News - Barbie doll will be internet connected to chat to kids
BBC News - Is your toaster a silent recruit in a 'thingbot' army?
BBC News - What price for free wi-fi?