The Internet of Things Is the Hackers’ New Playground | Re/code
The internet of things - the next big challenge to our privacy | Technology |
A manifesto for Data Literacy | TEST
I’m Terrified of My New Smart TV
New York City unveils the pay phone of the future—and it does a whole lot more than make phone calls - The Washington Post
'Internet of things' data should be 'treated as personal data', say privacy watchdogs
Do You Know What Your Mobile Is Doing Behind Your Back? | Londonist
Big Mother Is Watching You: The Track-Everything Revolution Is Here Whether You Want It Or Not - BuzzFeed News
Ai Weiwei is Living in Our Future — Medium
IBM Reveals Proof of Concept for Blockchain-Powered Internet of Things
BBC News - Dating apps found 'leaking' location data
How dating app Grindr makes it easy to stalk 5 million gay men | Ars Technica
Your refrigerator probably hasn't joined a botnet - Boing Boing
NHS England patient data 'uploaded to Google servers', Tory MP says | Society |
NHS disregards patient requests to opt out of sharing medical records | Society | The Guardian
Police will have 'backdoor' access to health records despite opt-out, says MP | Society | The Guardian
New York woman visited by police after researching pressure cookers online | US news | The Guardian
Samsung rejects concern over 'Orwellian' privacy policy | Technology | The Guardian
BBC News - Is your toaster a silent recruit in a 'thingbot' army?
IBM’s Watson Helps CogniToy’s Educational Toy Talk Like a Buddy | Re/code
BBC News - Barbie doll will be internet connected to chat to kids
Will Our Fitness Data Be Used Against Us? | Design and Tech |
Your smart TV is listening to you and hackers might be, too
Volvo says horrible 'self-parking car accident' happened because driver didn't have 'pedestrian detection' | Fusion
Who Owns the Web of Data? | Jeni Tennison
FIDO Alliance
Mark Zuckerberg, Let Me Pay for Facebook -
When Big Data becomes Big Brother - BBC News
Concerned about identity cloning? There’s nobody to call
Critical IoT Reading List — Thingclash