Facebook attacked over app that reveals period dates of its users | Technology | The Guardian

Public Service Internet
Toyota Targets More Than 80 Twitter Ads Based on Emoji Use | Adage India
The racism of technology - and why driverless cars could be the most dangerous example yet | Technology | The Guardian
Experiencing the future mundane
Bit nippy, is it? Hive smart home users find themselves tweaking thermostat BY HAND • The Register
Activision Blizzard pays employees for health tracking | GamesIndustry.biz
Smart speaker recordings reviewed by humans - BBC News
Take back control of your videos ! #JoinPeerTube
The Partnership on AI
WEGo – Wellbeing Economy Governments
Future Generations Act – Future Generations Commissioner for Wales
Codename: Verse
The behavioural science of online harm and manipulation, and what to do about it | The Behavioural Insights Team
Public-Interest Technology Resources
Discover the hidden secrets in privacy policies | Guard | Guard
IoT Information Exposure (IMC ’19) – Mon(IoT)r Research Group
Heads up from Internet of S*!# land: Best Buy's Insignia 'smart' home gear will become very dumb this Wednesday • The Register
phyphox – Physical Phone Experiments
The Downside to DIY IoT
Bot Sentinel Dashboard ‹ Bot Sentinel
HackCurio: Decoding the Cultures of Hacking
Dyson sets brainteaser to recruit new engineers - CNET
Session | Send Messages, Not Metadata. | Private Messenger
Atlas of Surveillance
Shared backend for Web3 | 3Box
Trustable Technology Mark